
Is Dick Durbin Supporting Obama?

The Chicago Tribune has an interview with Illinois Senator Dick Durbin. It sounds like he's supporting Barack Obama:

If it's a national poll, Hillary Clinton will always run ahead of Barack Obama. Even though we [Illinoisans] know Barack personally, and his kids' names and everything, only 60 percent of Americans do. Now go to the states where they're working and you'll find that the polling is much closer between the two of them and Barack at this point is either tied or ahead in most of these states.

So I feel good about it. I would say at this point that he still has that magic. He is bringing the fortysomethings in as John Kennedy did in '60. It's not just the volunteers and the voters, but it's a lot of business people and community leaders who are in that age range [and] who think it's their turn. And that's good for us.

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    Yes he is (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by jdeeth on Fri Aug 31, 2007 at 05:21:07 AM EST
    Durbin was out here in Iowa with Obama on announcement day in February, and also visit Iowa City as an Obama surrogate