Deadeye's revelations
Today, in response to the Senate's subpoena for documents relative to the warrantless wiretapping, the Office of the Vice President came forth with a letter, laying out some objections and such, and asking for more time to respond, but also giving some tidbits of information, in the form of something commonly called a "privilege log". That's something lawyers use to tell their adversary about the existence of, and the minimal amount of substance they can get away with regarding, documents or information sought in discovery. Let's look at what Deadeye told us about, today.
Astonishingly, Deadeye appears to have also shown us that Bushie lied. Remember how, every time Bushie and all the others in his admin talk about warrantlessly wiretapping anyone they want, anytime they want, they always talk about how the program was reauthorized every forty-five days? Yeah - that's one of those talking points which is supposed to reassure us that Papa Bushie has a strong, sober, thoughtful hand throttling back the crazed wiretapping engine that is your government.
Ain't so. These knuckleheads look like they can't even run a suspense file.
Or, they don't care because all those strong safeguards in place to protect against abuse don't really exist.
Right before I posted this, I read the articles linked here and there on the topic. I saw this coming: today, of course, the WaPo article slips in the term "approximately every 45 days", instead of the "every 45 days" we'd been previously told. The "we're so stupid, it's our stupidity and negligence we're having to excuse ourselves for" defense. From the same walking sacks of lying protoplasm who, last week, told us all their "strong safeguards" would protect against overreach under new FISA.
Bullsh*t. They're making it up as they go along.
I went through the list of "TS/Codeword Presidential authorizations" Deadeye provided. I think it's safe to say that these indicate the days Bushie signed off to reauthorize his precious little program. What else was Leahy looking for that Deadeye would even tell him existed, after all? Anyway, it would appear the program was reauthorized 42 times since being initially authorized (in writing) on October 4, 2001. Of those 42 reauthorizations, 20 took place 45 or fewer days after the prior one (two of the reauthorizations took place exactly 45 days after the prior one). Which means, 22 of them were more than 45 days after the last.
The longest time between reauthorizations: 64 days, 1/9/02-3/14/02
The breakdown of when the overlength reauthorizations took place is kind of interesting:
Between inception and November 7, 2002, there were 10 reauthorizations, of which 2 were more than 45 days after the prior.
Between November 8, 2002 and November 7, 2004, there were 16 reauthorizations, of which 7 were more than 45 days after the prior.
Once re-election had been won, there was no need to worry about the only accountability which really matters to the President - the voters - they let their safeguards and standards slide. Big surprise, that.
Between November 8, 2004 and November 7, 2006, there were 15 reauthorizations, of which 13 were more than 45 days after the prior.
Of course, once it became clear someone could actually send subpoenas to the WH and require an answer (as opposed to the cowering Rethugs who said "OK" when Deadeye told them they couldn't subpoena relative to warrantless wiretapping), they got their act together again:
After November 8, 2006, there was one reauthorization reported, which was exactly 45 days after the prior.
Dates of TS/Codeword Presidential authorizations and number of days between authorizations:
11/2l/01 48
11/30/01 9
1/9/02 40
3/14/02 64
4/18/02 35
5/21/02 33
6/24/02 34
7/30/02 36
9/10/02 42
10/15/02 35
11/18/02 34
1/8/03 51
2/7/03 30
3/17/03 38
4/22/03 36
6/11/03 50
7/14/03 33
9/10/03 58
10/15/03 35
12/9/03 55
1/14/04 36
3/11/04, amended 3/19/04, amended 4/2/04 57, 8, 14
5/5/04 33 (from 4/2/04), 55 (from 3/11/04)
6/23/04 49
8/9/04 47
9/17/04 39
11/17/04 61
1/11/05 55
3/1/05 49
4/19/05 49
6/14/05 56
7/26/05 42
9/10/05 46
10/26/05 46
12/13/05 48
1/27/06 45
3/21/06 &nbs