4th Of July Open Thread: On Patriotism and Liberty

Given our President's stunning disregard for the rule of law this week, and that it's the Fourth of July, I'm wondering what thoughts you all have on patriotism and liberty and on how this Administration has driven a stake in the heart of both.
For opposing the war, we're called unpatriotic. Our civil liberties have been disregarded by everything from the NSA warrantless monitoring program to no-fly lists, the Real I.D. Act and federal immigration raids on workplaces.
Scooter Libby, convicted of lying and obstructing justice at a trial conducted openly and with full due process, who was sentenced in accordance with, not outside the law, has been given a get-out-of jail-free card based on cronyism at best and fear that if he talked, he'd sell out others in the corrupt administration, at worst.
So, what are you celebrating today? And if you haven't read it in a while, here's the Declaration of Independence.
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