
Romney Rips Fox-Owned My Space, While Aiming At You Tube

Mitt Romney attacks?

But Romney showed some unfamiliarity with the Internet when he discussed the problem of sexual predators and children. "YouTube is a website that allows kids to network with one another and make friends and contact each other," Romney explained. "YouTube looked to see if they had any convicted sex offenders on their web site. They had 29,000."

Actually, YouTube is the popular site that allows Internet users to upload and watch a variety of videos. The web site, which is owned by search-engine behemoth Google, also was a co-sponsor of the Democratic presidential debate held on Monday night.

The web site MySpace is the one to which Romney actually was referring. MySpace, owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., said this week it had found 29,000 registered sex offenders who had submitted profiles to its site and removed them.


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    Maybe Mitt was in "liberal pander" mode (none / 0) (#1)
    by Geekesque on Fri Jul 27, 2007 at 05:31:39 PM EST
    instead of "conservative pander" mode.