
They Still Don't Get It

"Lots of people say, 'I want a Democrat,' but when they see the particulars, they say, 'I don't want that Democrat,'" said Jeffrey Berry, a political science professor at Tufts University. "The thing that's amazing about the Democrats is that they could still snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. The major Democrats are all now well to the left of the median voter."

Matt Yglesias writes about this piece by ABC News that basically argues what Prof. Jeffrey Berry says. Matt comments on the lack of imagination of the piece. I am struck by its inaccuracy. The argument presented was the same one we saw in the runup to the 2006 election from the Media -- the Democrats are moving to far to the Left. As then, the polls belied every statement made in that regard. And of course the election results proved it too.

I have never heard of Jeffrey Berry and I imagine most of you have not heard of him either. He was chosen to be quoted in the article because the reporters wanted to put their views in the mouths of some semi-authoritative voice. And Berry obliged. But Berry is absolutely wrong based on all the polling on EVERY ISSUE. Let's discuss the particulars on the flip.

ABC "reports":

In recent months, virtually the entire Democratic field has tacked left -- not just on the Iraq War, but on health care, taxes, energy issues and gay rights

Where are the American People on these issues? In Iraq, poll after poll shows that 2/3 of Americans want withdrawal from within a year. Are Democrats to the Left of that? I wish. They are not. It is the Repuiblicans who are extreme in their views on Iraq.

On health care:

Most Americans believe government can play a role in fixing the health care system. Two-thirds say the federal government should guarantee that all Americans have health insurance — and a similar number says providing health insurance for all is a more serious problem than keeping health care costs down. . . . In the new poll, the public gives the Democrats a big edge over the Republicans on handling health care issues. Asked which party they believe will best improve the health care system, 62 percent said the Democrats, while just 19 percent said the Republicans.

On taxes, poll after poll shows a majority of Americans think the well off pay too little in taxes. But the Media will tell you that Democrats are "out of step." Revealing that they are the ones out of step - with the facts.

On gay rights, the polling indicates support for equal right for gays and either gay marriage or civil unions the majority view of the country.

And does anyone want to be with the Republoicans on the environment? Puhleeeaze.

As you can see, Professor Berry is talking out of his nethers. But who cares what Berry thinks? No one really. The problem is the media which goes and finds the Professor Berrys of the world to be able to "report" this drivel.

And unfortunately, too many Democrats still believe this nonsense.

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    Tenure is the ruin of many a fine mind.... (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by jerry on Wed Jun 20, 2007 at 09:37:19 PM EST
    His website: http://ase.tufts.edu/polsci/faculty/berry/web.asp

    I have no idea what his ideas actually are, but my rough understanding of the abstract of this paper, http://lobby.la.psu.edu/_documentation/MPSA2006_Structure_of_Policy_Conflict.pdf, has him writing/analyzing/complaining that there really aren't very many differences between the Clinton and Bush Administration

    Friends don't let friends get tenure.

    another bought soul (5.00 / 2) (#2)
    by cpinva on Wed Jun 20, 2007 at 09:42:43 PM EST
    yes, there are massive differences between the bush and clinton administrations, 3500 at last count, i believe, at minimum.

    this is the classic bs that the "liberal" media has been feeding the american public for years: republicans good, democrats bad. gee, i'm so shocked.