Where Will It All End? (On Gonzales v. Carhart)
In affirming the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act passed by Congress in 2003 and defining in some measure the role that "the government" may take with "respect" to "the life within the woman," Justices Kennedy, Roberts, Alito, Scalia, and Thomas have created a dangerous precedent. The life within the woman has, in effect, been given equal footing with the life of the woman. The government may now feel free to implement policies and practices that are ostensibly in the best interests of the unborn child. The interests and wishes of the woman are no longer of primary importance. At some point in a pregnancy, the government may interpose itself between a woman and her medical providers and may, as it deems fit, impose its will and authority upon all parties. Such intrusive intervention may arguably evince "respect for the life within the woman," but it shows no respect for any others. And it invites abuse. Where will it all end?