
Obama's Credit to Selma Marchers Off By Four Years

Politicans have to choose their words carefully these days. Check out the latest critism of Barack Obama's Selma, Al. speech yesterday where he credited the 1965 marchers with empowering his black father and white mother to marry.

Turns out he was born in 1961.

....he credited the "Bloody Sunday" civil rights marchers of 1965 with the fact that his parents -- a black African father and white Kansas mother -- were empowered to fall in love and got married.

"They looked at each other and they decided, 'We know that in the world, as it has been, it might not be possible for us to get together and have a child, but something is stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Ala., because some folks are willing to march across the bridge.' And so they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Ala.!"

Obama was born in 1961; the Selma march was four years later. Obama said later that he meant to credit the entire civil rights movement with his parents' union, not just the Bloody Sunday marchers.


Meanwhile, Hillary is getting criticized for speaking in a southern accent.

Raised in Illinois and representing New York, Clinton effected a sporadic but curious Southern drawl in her speech. "I" became "Ahhh," "far" morphed into "fahhhr," and "mayor" suddenly sounded like "mare."

As Media Matters points out don't her 17 years in Arkansas count?

Related: Eric Boehlert has more on the press treatment of Hillary in the conxtext of her Iraq war stances.

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