
Who Would You Rather Have Sit in on a Cabinet Meeting?

Rudy Giuliani says his wife Judith Nathan would be welcome to sit in on cabinet and policy meetings if he were elected President.

How typical of his absolute arrogance.

If Hillary gets elected, we'd have Bill Clinton either sitting in on meetings or being Ambassador to the world.

Hillary Clinton says many people want her to appoint her husband secretary of State if she wins. Such nepotism was outlawed after John Kennedy made his brother Bobby attorney general, she noted at the fundraiser.

Then she added, to huge cheers, "But I sure can make him ambassador to the world!" That is a role the former president already is playing, mostly through the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation.

How is this even a close call?

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    ok, as near as i can tell (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by cpinva on Fri Mar 30, 2007 at 12:45:25 AM EST
    judith nathan's qualifications are: being an LPN, a medical supplies salesperson and two divorces. not sure how that helps in policy considerations, though i can see healthcare in her realm.

    fmr pres clinton: georgetown, oxford, yale law. gov and two-term president. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. somehow, i think i'd rather have mr. clinton sitting in on those meetings.

    i'm sure ms. nathan's a fine person, however...................

    Quals??? (none / 0) (#8)
    by jimakaPPJ on Fri Mar 30, 2007 at 09:30:15 AM EST
    Oh, I don't know.

    She probably is qualified as 80% of the people who comment here. And 99% of those who comment on the net....

    And at least she has some real world experience in meeting people, understanding them and communicating with them at a level that everyone can understand, in plain, ordinary everyday English.

    I base that mostly on her being a LPN and salesperson. Two fields that run phony folks off pretty fast.

    Those are qualitities an "advisor" to any President needs.


    I agree.... (none / 0) (#16)
    by kdog on Sat Mar 31, 2007 at 09:07:29 AM EST
    every president should have a Joe/Jane Blow in their cabinet....great idea.

    Just not a Jane Blow who is attracted to Rudy Guiliani...automatic disqualification in my book.

    The Clintons taking over (again) doesn't thrill me...looks like I'm gonna end up voting for one of these folks.


    The Double Standard (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by Molly Bloom on Fri Mar 30, 2007 at 08:02:58 AM EST
    When Bill said you get two for one, the GOP howled. The silence here is deafining.

    As noted above, First Ladies have been involved with administrative policy since at least Edith Wilson. Certainly Eleanor Franklin, Roslyn Carter, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush and HRC were involved in some  policy making in their husband's administrations.  Betty Ford deserves some special mention for public outspokeness of her views, but I don't recall her actually being involved in policy or actually representing her husband either formally or otherwise.  

    Viewed in this perspective Laura Bush appears to be a step backward in the evolution of the role of First Lady. But that is par for the course for an Administration bent on turning the clock back to the original Guilded Age.

    All of that said, Rudy proposes to take it a step further. This would be a first (as far as I know) that a First Lady would be a formal part of cabinet meetings.