
Saddam Execution Countdown

11:50 pm MT: Witnesses say it was quick.

"It was very quick. He died right away," one of the official Iraqi witnesses said. The former president's face was uncovered, he appeared calm and said a brief prayer as Iraqi policemen walked him to the gallows and put the noose round him, the witness said.

10:00 pm MT: Saddam has been hanged.

8:00 pm MT: Saddam has arrived at execution site. The hanging will take place within minutes.

7:51 pm: Final arrangements are in place.

Saddam Hussein will be hooded with hands tied behind his back. Government and religious officials, a lawyer and a doctor will act as witnesses. The execution will be filmed to provide proof of his death.

7:05 pm. A federal judge in DC has denied Saddam's request for stay. You heard it here first. Here's the order.

7:00 pm MT: CNN reports Iraqi officials say he will hang within the hour.

6:33 pm MT: AP is reporting (incorrectly) Saddam's request for stay has been denied. It's not showing on the court docket sheet yet, I'll upload the order when it appears. CNN just confirms the AP was wrong, there has been no ruling.

6:25 pm MT: Not much mention has been made of it, but Saddam won't be the only one hung in a few hours.

Also to be hanged at that time were Saddam's half-brother Barzan Ibrahim and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, the former chief justice of the Revolutionary Court, the adviser said.

The time was agreed upon during a meeting Friday between U.S. and Iraqi officials, said the adviser, who declined to be named because he is not authorized to speak to the media.

The reason for the late turnover: To avoid the chance he will be abused before the hanging, for which America might be blamed. The Administration wants a "respectful" hanging. An oxymoron if there ever was one. It also makes me wonder if they are afraid one of the Iraqis would let him commit suicide.

6:00 MT: No ruling yet in Saddam's request in federal court for stay. Execution is still expected before 6am Baghdad time, 10 pm.

3:38 pm MT: The New York Times has an excellent editorial on why Saddam's death won't accomplish anything, noting the unfair trial he received. Jesse Jackson weighs in:

Jackson says that to allow the former Iraqi leader to be hanged as what he calls "a war trophy" would be a "barbarity" that would only inflame tensions.

Jackson says making Saddam spend the rest of his life in prison would be a better way to "break the cycle of violence in Iraq."

3:23 pm MT: Iraqi Official says execution will occur before 6:00 am Baghdad Time (10 pm ET.)

2:57 pm MT: Saddam lawyers file motion to stay execution in US Court.

2:09 pm MT: Saddam lawyer says execution will occur before dawn.

10:35 am MT: Iraqi Judge says Saddam's execution will take place today or tomorrow.

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    Mr. Zimmerman called it... (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by aahpat on Fri Dec 29, 2006 at 05:22:13 PM EST
    We Americans are still 'selling postcards of the hanging'

    The more things change.......

    We should start a body count going forward for the dead attributed to retaliation.

    'The circus is in town...'