
California Judge Declares State Executions Unlawful

A federal judge in San Jose has declared Calfornia's lethal injection system to be in violation of the 8th Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

[Judge] Fogel said that "substantial questions" had been raised by the records of previous executions in the state and that the California Department of Corrections' "actions and failure to act have resulted in an undue and unnecessary risk of an 8th Amendment violation."

The opinion is here (pdf). Check out Footnote 8 on how the execution of Stanley Tookie Williams:

Indeed, the execution team members’ reaction to the problem at the Williams execution was
described by one member as nothing more than “sh*t does happen, so.”

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    probably the closest is (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by cpinva on Sat Dec 16, 2006 at 12:29:37 AM EST
    beheading by guillotine. it takes roughly (with a sharpened blade) 1/270th of a second for the blade to sever the head from the body.

    the only recorded instan