
Ken Mehlman Quits RNC Post

I'm not surprised Ken Mehlman is leaving as RNC Chair, after all, the Republicans tanked on Tuesday and the buck stops with him. But, TRex's post on Mehlman at Firedoglake is a great read:

Holy sh*t, that was fast. The AP is reporting that Ken Mehlman will be leaving his job in January to go and work for the Giuliani presidential campaign, possibly because America's Mayor is the only man in the GOP with a more pronounced lisp than his own.

Or maybe is has something to do with Bill Maher outing his scrawny a*s on Larry King Live last night....Of course, CNN edited out that bit later, but apparently the fallout was enough that this morning Big Dubya called Kenny on to the famous Carpet of Optimism in the Oval Office for a "little talk".

Follow the link for a hilarious version of their "little talk." Nice, TRex.

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    The Oval Office? (none / 0) (#1)
    by 1980Ford on Fri Nov 10, 2006 at 01:45:55 AM EST
    The same Oval Office where Clinton got a blow job?

    There's something poetic, or karmic, or something, about that.