
Another Official Embarrassed By Internet Disclosures

by TChris

The internet is not Las Vegas -- where, if you believe the advertising, you can be bad as you wanna be without fear that your spouse/friends/boss will learn of your (mis)adventures. What happens on the internet might not stay on the internet. It might instead be published in a newspaper.

Mark Foley learned that lesson the hard way. So did Justice of the Peace Sam Harris, who made some vulgar comments (reported here and here) in an internet chatroom. Harris is running for reelection, but the disclosure of his chatroom antics may imperil his campaign. A few Cascade County, Montana voters who have already cast absentee ballots in his favor are trying to change their votes. Can't be done, says the county clerk. What goes on the ballot stays on the ballot.

Speaking of Foley, here are ABC's latest disclosures, based on information provided by three more pages.

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    Re: Another Official Embarrassed By Internet Discl (none / 0) (#1)
    by Kitt on Fri Oct 06, 2006 at 09:59:49 AM EST
    A few Cascade County, Montana voters who have already cast absentee ballots in his favor are trying to change their votes. Can't be done, says the