
Keith Richards: Drugs Aren't Strong Enough Any More

Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards talks to the Sun about the quality of today's drugs:

HELLRAISER Keith Richards says he has finally given up drugs -- because they don't give him Satisfaction any more. The Rolling Stones guitarist complained dealers and chemists have reduced the power of his favourite narcotics. And he doesn't like modern drugs like ecstasy because they "mess with the brain". Former heroin addict Keith, 62, moaned: "I really think the quality's gone down.

"All they do is try and take the high out of everything.

"I don't like the way they're working on the brain area instead of just through the blood system. "That's why I don't take any of them any more. "And you're talking to a person who knows his drugs."

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    Re: Keith Richards: Drugs Aren't Strong Enough Any (none / 0) (#5)
    by Che's Lounge on Fri Sep 22, 2006 at 02:23:59 PM EST
    Double up on the dose!