
Bob Novak Wiggles

Update: TPM Muckraker calls out Novak on Waas. Novak said,

"I know that the Murray Waas piece in the National Journal, which interestingly was not picked up by anybody, was totally wrong and a total lie," he said.

In fact, Muckraker says, Bloomberg News and MSNBC confirmed Waas' article using their own sources.

Original Post:

Bob Novak was on Fox News yesterday explaining and defending his involvement in PlameGate. As Crooks and Liars reports, he called Murray Waas a liar on Hannity and Colmes.

He was also on Britt Hume's show. Here's the transcript of his appearance.

HUME: Did you call Rove or did he ...
NOVAK: I called Rove.

HUME: And did you call for the purpose of getting this confirmed or did this come up in passing?
NOVAK: I called him for several reasons. I wanted to talk about the column I was writing about the mission to Niger. Almost all of my conversations with Rove were not for attribution and in the course of that I told him. I asked him about Wilson's wife at the CIA, working with the CIA and initiating this visit and as I remember the conversation very distinctly, Karl said to me, "Yes, I know that, too." (my emphasis)

HUME: "I know that too?"

HUME: He didn't say, "You know that, too?"
NOVAK: No. He said, "Oh, you know that, too?"

Then there's his comments about Harlow which also make little sense. And on Valerie Plame's role at the CIA:

NOVAK: No. I had no idea that she was a covert person, that she was not just working as an analyst at the CIA.

Then why did his original July 14 article say she was an "operative"? Remember this from Joe Wilson?

"Bob Novak called me before he went to print with the report and he said a CIA source had told him that my wife was an operative," Wilson said. "He was try