
Friday Fitzgerald News and Commentary

Bump and Update: Raw Storywrites that MSNBC's David Schuster will report today that Rove's lawyers have been told there will be no announcements for at least ten days. [Raw Story now has the report details here.]

Update: TomPaine cites the MSM party line position today that this is all about Rove's failure to disclose the call with Cooper. I'm not buying it.

This is all coming from sources close to Luskin. Don't forget the 250 pages of e-mails turned over since his last grand jury appearance. That's a new development as well. The e-mails are from the vice-president's office according to what Libby's lawyer told the Court at the Feb. 24 Libby hearing (pdf) and in pleadings. They were being turned over to Libby that day.

Libby's lawyer:

I may say we are also told that there are an additional approximately 250 pages of documents that are emails from the office of the vice president. Your Honor, may recall that in earlier filings it was represented or alluded to that certain e-mails had not been preserved in the White House. That turns out not to be true. There were some e-mails that weren't archived in the normal process but the office of the vice president or the office of administration I guess it is....

Regardless of whether Rove led them to the e-mails, I'd bet he was grilled about some of them Wednesday at the grand jury. The e-mails are critical for all the players, because they could result in an obstruction of justice charge as well as perjury and false statements. And they could bring in new players.

If Fitz is taking at least ten days to decide, I believe it is because he is checking out info related to obstruction of justice and the e-mails. He's heard umpteen times from Rove about Cooper, Hadley and Bob Novak. Viveca is a smokescreen I think. It's what Luskin wants us to focus on.

Original Post 12:47 am

Today is a big day in PlameGate. Patrick Fitzgerald heads back to the grand jury, perhaps to seek an Indictment against Karl Rove. It's unlikely there wil