
Report: Rove Led Fitzgerald to Deleted E-Mails

Raw Story reports, and Steve Clemons of the Washington Note confirms through a source close to Karl Rove, that it was Rove who tipped off Fitzgerald to the 250 pages of deleted e-mails in Vice President Cheney's offices relevant to the Valerie Plame investigation.

According to several Pentagon sources close to Rove and others familiar with the inquiry, Bush's senior adviser tipped off Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to information that led to the recent "discovery" of 250 pages of missing email from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney. According to one source close to the case, Rove is providing information on deleted emails, erased hard drives and other types of obstruction by staff and other officials in the Vice President's office. Pentagon sources close to Rove confirmed this account.

None would name the staffers and/or officials whom Rove is providing information about. They did, however, explain that the White House computer system has "real time backup" servers and that while emails were deleted from computers, they were still retrievable from the backup system. By providing the dates and recipient information of the deleted emails, sources say, Rove was able to chart a path for Fitzgerald directly into the office of the Vice President.

Raw Story called Rove's lawyer Robert Luskin for a comment. He categorically denied it, but reiterated that Rove has been cooperating fully since day 1. Shorter version: Rove is an American hero, not a rat. Sorry, but I don't buy it.

Luskin and Rove obviously would prefer Rove to come off as Mr. Truth, Justice and the American Way -- a helpful White House official who told the truth and let the chips fall where they may -- rather than as a rat who sold out his confederates in order to avoid jail -- but no matter how they try to whitewash it, it's a rollover. And Rove can't keep it a secret forever.

I think Fitz has Rove dead to rights if, as reported, he failed to disclose his conversation with Cooper in his first interview with the FBI in October 2003 or in his first appearance before the grand jury in February 2004. Murray Waas reported in December, 2005:

Fitzgerald is said to be continuing his investigation into whether Rove made false statements, committed perjury, and obstructed justice. The investigation is focused on Rove