
Mystery Document Surfaces in Suit Over NSA Wiretapping

Bump and Update: Here is the Complaint (pdf) in the Oregon NSA surveillance lawsuit. Here is the Motion to Submit Material Under Seal (pdf). [Note: a gracious TL reader has blacked out the e-mail addresses of lawyers]

A "mystery document" has surfaced in an Oregon lawsuit over Bush's warrantless NSA electronic surveillance program. It is so hot to handle that the Judge wouldn't let it remain at the U.S. courthouse or in the custody of the FBI, a defendant in the case. The case involves:

The lawsuit alleges that the National Security Agency illegally wiretapped electronic communications between a local chapter of the Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation and Wendell Belew and Asim Ghafoor, both attorneys in Washington, D.C.

It contends the NSA did not follow procedures required by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, and failed to obtain a court order authorizing electronic surveillance of the charity and its attorneys. Lawyers for the plaintiffs have said they can't spell out the facts that support their suit because those details are classified.

Is this related to the case that U.S. News and World Report wrote about last week? More on that case here.

[hat tip Patriot Daily.]

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