
DNA Frees Texas Man After 18 Years

Gregory Wallis left a Texas jail Monday after serving 18 years for an attempted rape and burglary he didn't commit.

"You should not be incarcerated - not a moment longer," District Judge John Creuzot said before granting him a personal recognizance bond while his attorneys pursue a legal process that would have him officially declared innocent and pardoned.

"I don't know how to apologize," said Judge Creuzot, who was not involved in the first trial. "I don't know where to start, but I'll start with me and 'I'm sorry.' "

The cause of the conviction: erroneous eyewitness identification.

"I don't know how she picked me," he said. "I was sitting at home, and they came and arrested me. The next thing I know, I'm standing trial."

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    Re: DNA Frees Texas Man After 18 Years (none / 0) (#1)
    by BigTex on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 12:01:52 AM EST
    Just one more in a long line of examples of why te government shoudl immediatly run DNA test on all prisoners if it can prove innocence. Good story.