
Feingold Introduces Bush Censure Motion

Crooks and Liars has the video of Senator Feingold introducing the motion to censure President Bush over his NSA warrantless surveillance program.

Josh Marshall reports on Sen. Specter's followup:

It was coming to this. Responding to Sen. Feingold, Sen. Specter is now arguing on the floor of the senate that FISA is unconstitutional. Ergo, President Bush couldn't have been violating the law becuase it's not valid law. Quite a way for Specter to end his career.

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    Re: Feingold Introduces Bush Censure Motion (none / 0) (#1)
    by Molly Bloom on Mon Mar 13, 2006 at 03:35:46 PM EST
    Aside from now arguing that FISA is unconstitutional Spector had a bit of a breakdown in his logic. 1. Spector conceded Bush broke the law in failing to properly inform congress as required by law. 2. Spector repeatedly stated we didn't have a enough information to know what the program is about. If that's true, how does he know whether or not what Bush is doing is illegal?

    Re: Feingold Introduces Bush Censure Motion (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Mar 13, 2006 at 03:51:52 PM EST
    Me, my wallet, my time, my effort, and my general support are in an indefinite holding pattern until the gerrymandered states determine who the next Democratic Presidential Candidate will be in '08. Once I am convinced that -- at the very least -- Russ Feingold isn't the DLC ordained lightning rod to once again SUCK in Progressive dollars (ala Howard Dean) for the Corporatist totalitarian cause, I may start to consider coming back. If Feingold stands on national television and reminds America he voted against Iraq and the Patriot Act, he gets my vote. If he stands on National television and tells America how much he loves religious prejudices and killing foreigners to make America rich..er..safe, Democrats lose me in '08. Anyone other than Feingold on the current landscape will not even get a hearing from me. I've heard as much as I can stand from Hillary, Kerry, et.al. I'm taking any and all bets that a Hillary Presidency supports the Patriot Act and commits troops to a long intractable campaign in Iraq/Iran/Syria.

    Re: Feingold Introduces Bush Censure Motion (none / 0) (#3)
    by glanton on Mon Mar 13, 2006 at 04:15:37 PM EST
    Tama, I'm right there with you, and suspect that your fears about Feingold will be realized. In the end he will sound like the rest of them do. Speaking of futility, are you definitely out for 2006? Me, I'd rather floss with cardboard than vote for any of the Democratic clowns out here in Texas who fail to convince that they are decent human beings, much less decent alternatives.

    Re: Feingold Introduces Bush Censure Motion (none / 0) (#4)
    by Patrick on Mon Mar 13, 2006 at 04:20:44 PM EST
    Can anyone provide a list of other senators that are supporting this motion?

    Re: Feingold Introduces Bush Censure Motion (none / 0) (#5)
    by Steven Sanderson on Mon Mar 13, 2006 at 04:49:45 PM EST
    Yesterday Bill Frist fired the first salvo in the GOP attack on Russ Feingold's patriotism. Conservatives loathe Feingold because what they see in him is how they've long seen and portrayed themselves. Conservatives have long envisioned themselves as our country's true patriots and the sole defenders of our Constitution. That image has been shattered by their evisceration of our Constitution and it's Bill of Rights and the undermining of our country's security under the guise of free trade. Russ Feingold has courageously, and far too often alone, defended our Constitution, it's Bill of Rights, and th