
Al-Zawahiri Releases New Tape With Threats

Al-Qaeda top deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri released a new tape with new threats of attacks. He called Bush the "butcher of Washington."

Al-Zawahiri, shown in the video wearing white robes and a white turban, said a Jan. 13 airstrike in the eastern village of Damadola killed "innocents," and he said the United States had ignored an offer from al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden for a truce.

Bush undoubtedly will use this tape and Osama's tape of a few weeks ago to remind us during SOTU that we must win the war on terror. He probably won't remind us that his war on terror and curtailing of our civil liberties did not produce either one of these two top terrorists despite the passage of more than four years since Sept. 11.

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    Re: Al-Zawahiri Releases New Tape With Threats (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Jan 30, 2006 at 12:05:09 PM EST
    Did not produce either one what? Either I'm being dense (entirely possible, given that my job will disappear in a couple of weeks and I'm distracted as a result), or there's something missing in that sentence or before it. Will the Democrats point out the lies and deceptions and omissions we can be sure will characterize Bush's speech. Perhaps. Will the press ignore or largely dismiss what the Democrats say? Almost cer