
Military Changes Execution Rules

Is the military gearing up to execute prisoners? The BBC reports it has changed it's rules on implementing death sentences. There are six prisoners currently on death row after courts-martial proceedings.

One of the changes pertains to where executions take place. Previoiusly, the rules specified Ft. Leavenworth, KS as the place of execution.

The revision also makes it possible for executions to take place at any military prison, not just Fort Leavenworth. This, according to anti-death penalty protesters, means it would be technically legal for executions to take place at Guantanamo Bay.

[Via Raw Story.]

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    Re: Military Changes Execution Rules (none / 0) (#1)
    by legion on Tue Jan 24, 2006 at 12:47:58 PM EST
    The BBC story is annoyingly light on details... does this policy cover only courts martial? Or military tribunals of POWs/combatants/whatever also? It sounds like (from the beeb) that this new policy only covers active members of the US military facing death... can anyone here confirm-or-deny this?