
Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats

The Democrats have asked Virginia Governor Tim Kaine to reply to the State of the Union Address.

Arianna is seriously miffed.

....the Dems decide that the charge against Bush shouldn't be led by someone who can forcefully articulate why the GOP is not the party that can best keep us safe, but by someone whose only claim to fame is that he carried a red state.

....the Democrats will never become the majority party until they can prove to the American people that they have a better plan for keeping us safe. And that means having someone like Jack Murtha give the State of the Union response -- someone with the authority to make the point that, on every level, Iraq is the wrong priority. And that the hundreds of billions already spent on Iraq (and the countless billions to come) would be better spent shoring up our ports, roadways, railways, securing our nuclear installations and chemical plants, and properly supporting our first responders.

I'd just add that in picking Kaine, the Dems chose someone who touted his religious faith to get elected.

Faith, Kaine says, led him into public service, and it's important for public leaders to share what motivates them to be in public life.

"Why do you want to run for public office? I cannot answer that question without drawing on my faith and spirituality," Kaine said. "I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for a commitment to serve other people, and that commitment to serve other people is rooted in a very fundamental thing--and that's my religion."

The way to beat the Republicans is not to emulate their message of religious faith, but to develop our own message. Kaine dismisses claims by pundits, the media and Republicans that Democrats are a secular party.

Kaine is also personally opposed to abortion. What a dismal choice.

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  • Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#1)
    by nolo on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 07:28:45 PM EST
    Why not just invite Zell Miller?

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#2)
    by glanton on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 07:34:12 PM EST
    nolo: Zell's more of a Democrat than you'll ever be. Oh, wait. Just came down off the acid. Sorry for my really stupid remark.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#3)
    by ras on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 07:55:09 PM EST
    Tim Kaine is the voice of the Democratic party. He wasn't before, but he is now.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 08:00:12 PM EST
    TL: Shame on you! Until the secular left recognizes that many on the left are people of faith than we will remain a minority party. Until the ardently pro-abortion wing of the party loses the leadership fight to the big tent wing of the party that backs dems like Kaine & Casey we will remain a minority party. If I wanted a party line test I would become a commie or a republican.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 09:01:13 PM EST
    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, because I have posted the same point here before, I must endorse the comment of All Writs above. To quote Jim Wallis:
    Since when did believing in God and having moral values make you pro-war, pro-rich, and pro-Republican? And since when did promoting and pursuing a progressive social agenda with a concern for economic security, health care, and educational opportunity mean you had to put faith in God aside?
    The fact is that the RW positions today are so far removed from the true message of Christianity that the Democrats have a natural opportunity to offer attractive alternative positions that appeals to both Christian and secular voters. Not all Christians are RW bigots, by any means, and to make that sweeping assumption only helps the RW cause.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#6)
    by glanton on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 09:14:52 PM EST
    Not all Christians are RW bigots, by any means
    Ture enough. But one thing's for sure: all prominant American politics remains, as it has been from the beginning, sufficiently corrupted to the point that, when a candidate for Governor from either party pulls out his religion and starts waving it around, you can rest assured he aint thinking about the Golden Rule, but rather the broader rule of the SoundBite. Surely we all have something better to do than watch these tools give their little speeches but if not, and you want to know when they are lying, here's a freakin hint: When their lips are moving.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 10:27:34 PM EST
    I'd just add that in picking Kaine, the Dems chose someone who touted his religious faith to get elected.
    Meaning, presumably, that if he had instead argued his positions on a purely secular basis, he might not have been elected at all. This is a lesson that the Democratic Party should take to heart -- unless it has decided that its members actually prefer to be idealogically correct but in perpetual opposition, filling a niche as one of 17 minor left-wing parties, each secure in its own idealogical purity. (And if that's the case, there had better be no more Democratic criticism of Ralph Nader!) Personally, I'd pefer an inclusive Democratic party that welcomes all people who need to express their common opposition to extreme RW Repuplican politics, regardless of the basis for that opposition. That's the only party that could actually throw the scoundrels out.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 02:43:30 AM EST
    The fact is that the RW positions today are so far removed from the true message of Christianity that the Democrats have a natural opportunity to offer attractive alternative positions that appeals to both Christian and secular voters.
    Absolutely! I do find myself squirming at attacks on people just because they are religious. Most of the people I know who voted for the GOP did so because of their perception that the Dems are an absolutely Godless party. As a quick aside, why does TL write "G*d" this way? I saw it on a thread a couple of weeks ago and found it very perculiar. Does that mean that it's been "relegated" to the same status as bit**h, cr*p, s**t, etc?

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#9)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 02:52:20 AM EST
    Of course, "perculiar" has no "r" in it. That would be strange.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#10)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 09:33:41 AM EST
    This nation was established as a secular state and I am damn tired of corporate titans, media peacocks and corrupt politicians lecturing me about God and values. Enough already! Why should politicians have to profess deep religious faith in order to hold office? How about less sanctimony and more humility and genuine humanity in our elected officials?

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#11)
    by cpinva on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 10:30:41 AM EST
    as one who voted for mr. kaine, let me point out, again, why ms. huffington is a perpetual idiot. mr. kaine is up front about his religious beliefs. during the course of his campaign, he was attacked by both left & right: the left on choice, the right on the death penalty. he very clearly articulated his position, with respect to both: while personally opposed to both abortion, and the death penalty, as gov. he would uphold the law, period. i, and many others, could live with that. he also vowed to make transportation and education the keystones of his administration's policy pursuits, while continuing the work started by gov. warner's administration. though it wasn't really germane to the campaign, he has stated his oppostion to our invasion of iraq, on multiple levels. is tim kaine the best person to represent the democratic party, in their response to the prez's state of the union address? beats me. that said, he is much more articulate than many that ms. huffington prefers, an attribute sorely lacking lately, in our national party office holders. frankly, he can't possibly do any worse than has been done lately, by those with a higher national profile.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#12)
    by Lora on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 11:07:36 AM EST
    Let Al Gore represent the Democrats. He's smart and very articulate.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#13)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 12:00:19 PM EST
    Didn't Kaine kill Abel?

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#14)
    by Che's Lounge on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 12:33:16 PM EST
    Glanton, You crack me up sometimes. cpinva, I know little about Kaine so thanks for your perspective. It lends some balance.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#15)
    by glanton on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 02:02:29 PM EST
    Che: Well, ahem, not sure exactly how to take that, but I will say I have an easier time making fun of/caricaturing myself than making fun of anyone else I know ;-) But more seriously, don't you find it at least a little bit odd that people still, all these yars into it, take politicos at face value when they profess "strong convictions" of one kind or another. Or out another way, name me a powerful American politico whose "strong convictions" didn't exactly mirror what that politico took to me the majority voting block? Remember, American politics has the unique distinction of having providing a place where Ronald Reagan is ubiquitously described as "optimistic." Chew on that, Massa Gov'nor Kaine.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#16)
    by Che's Lounge on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 03:05:09 PM EST
    Glanton, Meant complimentarily. Maybe my sense of humor is the one that's off today. And I also get along better in this world with some comical self deprecation.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#17)
    by glanton on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 03:30:42 PM EST
    Che: Thanks, bro. I have enjoyed your posts as well, and recall as one of my fondest TL memories the couple of hours where, though for the life of me I cannot remember why, I thought that maybe you were Carlos Santana. Let us all change our evil ways.

    Re: Va. Gov. Kaine to Speak for Democrats (none / 0) (#18)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 28, 2006 at 08:14:55 AM EST
    I'd like to note that you don't even know the circumstances behind why Kaine was "touting his religious beliefs" in the camapign. Jerry Kilgore, republican running for campaign was using Kaine's Catholicism against him with regards to the death penalty. Pretty much moments after Kaine said that he opposed the death penalty because he was Catholic in the September debates, Kilgore ran lots of ugly ads about that, sugesting he'll subvert the Virginia constitution in a deference to the Vatican. Particularly infamous was the ad Kilgore ran where a man said that Kaine "wouldn't even execute Hitler". Now, if you wish that Kaine shouldn't have responded to those ads in the way he has, because "he was touting his religios faith" I'd like to know how she should have responded? (I'd note that that quote you quoted comes right from an ad Kaine ran in response to those death penalty spots of Kilgore). It'd be nice for you to learn the circumstances of events before blasting someone.