
Commission on Bush Crimes Against Humanity

If you are going to be in New York City this weekend, check out the second and final installment of the Commission hearings against Bush for crimes against humanity, to be held at the Riverside Church and Columbia Law School. It is organized by the Not in Our Name Statement of Conscience and is endorsed by: Center for Constitutional Rights, National Lawyers Guild, After Downing Street.org and others. You can register online.

Among the witnesses at the tribunal (full schedule here):

  • former commander of Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski,
  • former British ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray who exposed the use of information gathered through torture,
  • former arms inspector Scott Ritter,
  • ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern,
  • Dahr Jamail (journalist who has reported extensively from Iraq),
  • Guantanamo prisoners’ lawyer Michael Ratner,

Bush was indicted at the first session. Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern delivered the Indictment to the White House on January 10. The Bush White House has been invited to defend itself at this weekend's hearing.

The formal name of the organization is the International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration.

The indictments allege war crimes and crimes against humanity authorized by the Bush Administration in relation to:

1) Wars of Aggression, particular reference to Iraq and Afghanistan;
2) Torture and Indefinite Detention;
3) Destruction of the Global Environment, distortion of science and obstruction of efforts to stem global warming;
4) Attacks on Global Public Health and Reproductive Rights, potentially genocidal effects of enforcing abstinence-only, and global gag rule concerning abortion; and
5) Failure of Bush administration, despite foreknowledge, to protect life during and after Hurricane Katrina.

You can view the video and documents from the first session held this past October here.

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