
Lawyer Arrested for Kidnapping Client on Wedding Day

An attorney in Waco, Texas has been arrested for kidnapping her client on his wedding day.

What was she thinking? Attorney Paula Allen bonded a client out of jail, he failed to appear and she was held liable for $5,000.

In an attempt to collect, she and some associates allegedly showed up at the client's wedding and kidnapped him. The client was handcuffed, which is against the law in Texas, even for bounty hunters.

They drove to the police station, but didn't turn the client in. Instead, they allegedly drove around for four hours while they had the client call family members on a cell phone trying to raise $20,000 the client owed Allen for the bail bond forfeiture and attorneys' fees.

The client escaped. The lawyer got no money, but a felony charge.

[Via How Appealing.]

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    Re: Lawyer Arrested for Kidnapping Client on Weddi (none / 0) (#1)
    by wishful on Sat Jan 14, 2006 at 03:10:09 PM EST
    The client was handcuffed, which is against the law in Texas, even for bounty hunters.
    There are laws that bounty hunters have to follow...even (especially) in Texas??!! Who knew?
