
Accusations of Sexual Abuse by NY Police

by TChris

Two New York police officers have been accused of sexually assaulting three women. In November, the officers approached a woman who was stopped at a red light in Brooklyn.

Investigators said one of the officers leaned into her car and rubbed his hand on her leg and both officers followed her home on the pretext of making sure she arrived safely, but assaulted her once they got there while her child and her brother's two children were sleeping inside.

DNA belonging to one officer was found in the woman’s apartment. A month earlier, the same officers groped two women in their apartment when they responded to a noise complaint, according to complaints the women filed after realizing the same officers had committed other assaults.

Sexual abuse of women by police officers isn’t limited to New York.

Samuel Walker, a professor emeritus of criminal justice at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, has studied what he said was a growing list of abuse against women committed by on-duty police officers. [Sometimes it involves officers who stop women on the pretext of traffic violations, a practice he refers to as ‘driving while female,’ but other times officers take aim at prostitutes or women at home.]

Mr. Walker wrote a paper about what he said was a nationwide phenomenon in 2002, [noting that it was a form of police misconduct prevalent throughout the nation. His paper cited cases in Texas, Chicago and on Long Island.]

"What we found is that a number of these incidents involved prostitutes, so they were not always involving traffic stops," he said. "There were a number of other patterns where it's other things; a call to a house, and then some misconduct occurs."

(Bracketed additions are from the Times print edition.)

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    Re: Accusations of Sexual Abuse by NY Police (none / 0) (#1)
    by rdandrea on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:06:46 PM EST
    You don't have to look much farther than Colorado for similar stories.
    Re: Accusations of Sexual Abuse by NY Police (none / 0) (#2)
    by rdandrea on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:06:46 PM EST
    Sorry, Here is the link to the trooper story. Left out a quotation mark.

    Re: Accusations of Sexual Abuse by NY Police (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:06:46 PM EST
    Earlier in the year there was an incident in a small town here in Oklahoma, I believe it was Mustang, where the head sheriff and a couple of deputies were accused of assualting a female convenience store worker. She alleged that the officers came in on two separate occasions on her overnight shift and made advances on her. When she rebuffed them they told her that they could make life hard for her in the town. After sexually assualting her they reminded her that they were police officers and nobody would believe her if she told anyone what had happened. I haven't seen anything on the local news about it lately and to trust the OKC newspaper to cover this story is like trusting the Mafia to tell the police where Jimmy Hoffa is buried. It doesn't surprise me one bit to think that any person with that type of authority would take advantage of their position. A friend of mines mother preformed the psych evaluations for my local PD and felt more than a few times she was fooled by some of the cadets she ok'ed, and in at least one case she was proved right when the cadet she gave the green light to got caught up in a steroid/meth distribution ring along with 2 other veteran officers.

    Re: Accusations of Sexual Abuse by NY Police (none / 0) (#4)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:06:47 PM EST
    Power corrupts. We all know this. This is why it is important to teach your chil