
Pirro Rejects Pullout in Senate Race Against Hillary

Jeanine Pirro has met with Gov. Pataki and decided to stay in the New York Senate race.

Earlier this week, New York Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno urged Pirro to switch her candidacy from the Senate race to the Attorney General's race. Crooks and Liars reported, via today's New York Post, that Jeanine was holding an "emergency summit" with Gov. Pataki (who has been one of her few important consistent backers)to discuss it.

My view: Jeanine in the Senate race is political suicide.

As an aside, Pataki and Bruno seem to be having major league feuds over minor league details.

Update: Candy Crowley on CNN today:

PIRRO: I am excited about how my campaign's going.


CROWLEY: She must know something we don't. In a head-to-head with Senator Clinton, the latest polls show Pirro trailing by more than 25 points. Senator Clinton has about 14 million cash on hand, Pirro about 400,000.

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  • Re: Pirro Rejects Pullout in Senate Race Against H (none / 0) (#1)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:06:36 PM EST
    This ones gonna be a massacre. Pirro will be lucky to get 20%.

    Re: Pirro Rejects Pullout in Senate Race Against H (none / 0) (#2)
    by jimcee on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:06:37 PM EST
    Pirro is a foolish child. As much as I hate to admit it NY is Hillary country. Of course the rest of the country isn't. (or is most of the state geograghically pro- Hillary.) Clinton's game starts in NYS and goes from there. Me? I'm waiting for those 200,000 jobs she promised to upstate NY. Not necessarily the jobs but the promise seems rather..uhm..b*llsh*t. This is the next Democratic presidential candidate like it or not and the Lefties will rally around this fraud. Oh, and she will be beat in 2008 by some half-assed Republican sh*tbum just because average smucks can't deal with an obvious prevaricator that is HILPAC. It would be nice to find a decent Democrat candidate but besides Sen Lieberman they are going to come up short. But I'm sure sure Sen Lieberman is too Jewish for the Lefty crowd so scratch him. Funny how the New Left has become the old anti-semite fascists. What is old is new again. The recent invective by posters here are part and parcel of the Left's problem. You have no honest arguement for your side and so you are dismissive of others opinions. Pitiful overall. Too bad for you, I'd weep for your losses but they are self-inflicted.

    Re: Pirro Rejects Pullout in Senate Race Against H (none / 0) (#3)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:06:37 PM EST
    Jimcee, Leiberman is a republican. But I am really interested in Feingold of WI. He voted aganst the war and proposed a pullout plan bafore any of the current players. I want tl learn more about him. I couldn't care less what f***ing religion he is. As long as he doesn't say he talks to God. That's not faith, that's delusional paranoia.

    Re: Pirro Rejects Pullout in Senate Race Against H (none / 0) (#4)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:06:37 PM EST
    Sorry, I meant delusional schizophrenia.