
Leads in Lawyer's Wife's Murder Case

Update: A neighbor and sometimes caretaker of the Horowitz property, Joseph Lynch, may be a suspect. Horowitz had tried to get a restraining order against Lynch in June alleging he was afraid for the wife. Horowitz told Dan Abrams it was clear his wife had tried to defend herself. The house was under construction in a remote area and burglary does not seem to be involved. The Horowitz' were living on a trailer on the property while it was being finished.

Sheriff's press conference at 6:30 ET: The autopsy took 3/12 hours. Cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head. It is a homicide. No one is under arrest. It is a wide open investigation. They are considering all possible theories and motives. Both Daniel Horowitz and Joseph Lynch have been very cooperative. They have interviewed several neighbors. They have not ruled anyone out. Crime lab personnel are collecting evidence to test.

Joseph Lynch has talked to the Associated Press. He says he was on the property the day she was killed, and heard the sirens coming. He acknowledged friction between him and the Horowitz' at times.

Original Post:

There may be a lead in the murder case of the wife of defense lawyer and legal commentator Daniel Horowitz. His associate says it is not a former client.

"There is a potential suspect, but it's not a former client," Golde said Monday on his way in to the courtroom.

Police says an arrest is premature. [Update: This appears not to be the case]:I'd bet it was a nutjob who saw him on tv, commenting on a case he was not personally involved in. We all get the ugliest e-mails you can imagine from viewers. I usually save and forward those I consider to be even remotely threatening to a friend.

If it turns out to be a tv viewer who killed Dan's wife, I'd recommend legal analysts take the networks up on their offer to send a car to take them to and from the studio. Outside of New York, it's faster and easier to drive yourself, and it seems pretentious and like a waste of the networks' money to use a car service.

But there really could be an outraged viewer laying in wait.

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  • Re: Leads in Lawyer's Wife's Murder Case (none / 0) (#1)
    by Darryl Pearce on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:05 PM EST
    Has anyone done a study or analysis of when a common citizen needs to consider more robust security?

    Re: Leads in Lawyer's Wife's Murder Case (none / 0) (#2)
    by Kitt on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:05 PM EST
    I don't even write nasty emails to O'Reilly or any of that ilk. Jeezus! It's time AND energy. Although I have been tempted to seen MANY to you-know-who...the cowboy-in-charge. I have a friend who writes a column for a Knight-Ridder paper. She has gotten unbelievable messages on her work phone. She's played some for me. They are absolutely disgusting; all the degrading & vile things men say to or about women because they think we care. She doesn't care if someone calls her a c*nt; she's incredulous that anyone would find it acceptable to address another person in such a manner. One they don't know, haven't ever met & most likely never will. Then there's the emails. about who

    Re: Leads in Lawyer's Wife's Murder Case (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:05 PM EST
    I'm not sure I would classify criminal defense attorneys "common citizens". As a public defender I know that I rarely have a friend in the big room with the state seal. I know that at some point the client relationship bell curve will mean that this kind of thing could happen. If not a former client, then the family of a victim. Unfortunately, it is something I think about often. Although pat of the job, it shouldn't be part of the system. next time you see primetime shows portraying criminal defense attorneys as whores to their clients as long as the money is flowing and unsympathetic to victims think about how that impacts the lone practictioner everyday.

    Re: Leads in Lawyer's Wife's Murder Case (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:05 PM EST
    Good point Dan. Frustrated defendants are usually much more hostile to their own lawyers than the prosecution. I just shake my head when talking head morons like Abrams go on an on about how dangerous it is for prosecutors. Sure, they're at risk, but I always worry that some a&%hole will try to shank me in the client meeting room of the jail (it's happened to others). Defendants rarely complain about prosecutors, for some strange reason they seem to accept that they're just doing their job. But their own defense lawyer? Hey, O.J. got off, how come you can't do that for me? (Answer: because the dope was in your front pocket and you told the cop it was yours, moron) I have two children now, and it's one of the reasons I'm contemplating getting out and doing smething else.

    Re: Leads in Lawyer's Wife's Murder Case (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:07 PM EST
    This is everyone's nightmare. Larry, you can contemplate all you want - I got out early. I still dabble, but nothing serious, nothing involving life sentences, etc. Once you have kids, everything changes. And Dan is right - this alleged "fear factor" among DAs is all smoke and mirrors that apparently plays well in the local papers - especially when election time rears its head. We do it for the love of it and when the love is gone, its time to turn out the lights and find something else. I did; and I don't regret it.

    Re: Leads in Lawyer's Wife's Murder Case (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:08 PM EST
    It's beginning to sound like Dan Horowitz might be under suspicion.

    Re: Leads in Lawyer's Wife's Murder Case (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:09 PM EST
    I think you misread the article about Horowitz being in the spotlight. It was referring to his being a legal analyst and how the media glare is now on him. I have seen nothing reported to indicate he is anything but a victim. The fact that he has not been officially cleared does not make him a suspect. It means the police don't want to be accused later of rushing to judgment and not exploring all possibilities.