
"Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigoted Statement

by Last Night in Little Rock

Former Education Secretary Bill Bennett's "Morning in America" radio program has an alleged 1.25M listeners. He is also the author of "The Book of Virtues." In this audio clip from yesterday's show, he proves he is a bigot. This was found on MediaMatters.org.

MSNBC carries a story about the outrage. The appalling transcript is below.

CALLER: I noticed the national media, you know, they talk a lot about the loss of revenue, or the inability of the government to fund Social Security, and I was curious, and I've read articles in recent months here, that the abortions that have happened since Roe v. Wade, the lost revenue from the people who have been aborted in the last 30-something years, could fund Social Security as we know it today. And the media just doesn't -- never touches this at all.

BENNETT: Assuming they're all productive citizens?

CALLER: Assuming that they are. Even if only a portion of them were, it would be an enormous amount of revenue.

BENNETT: Maybe, maybe, but we don't know what the costs would be, too. I think as -- abortion disproportionately occur among single women? No.

CALLER: I don't know the exact statistics, but quite a bit are, yeah.

BENNETT: All right, well, I mean, I just don't know. I would not argue for the pro-life position based on this, because you don't know. I mean, it cuts both -- you know, one of the arguments in this book Freakonomics that they make is that the declining crime rate, you know, they deal with this hypothesis, that one of the reasons crime is down is that abortion is up. Well --

CALLER: Well, I don't think that statistic is accurate.

BENNETT: Well, I don't think it is either, I don't think it is either, because first of all, there is just too much that you don't know. But I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down. So these far-out, these far-reaching, extensive extrapolations are, I think, tricky.

Bill: What are the odds you'll apologize? Las Vegas oddsmakers have it at 3:2. Want in, Bookie of Virtues?

Update (TL): The Washington Post reports here.

Further Update (LNILR): On CNN, Bennett says he was speaking hypothetically and his comments were taken out of context in response to the caller's question, but he did not apologize. He said that "the people who misrepresented my views should apologize." The oddsmakers were wrong. Should have got in, Bill.

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    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#10)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:28 PM EST
    BMB, if you and all of your related and extended family were put to death the crime rate would go down. Not that I would want to do that, "I'm just sayin'" BTW, troll, try to drum up traffic on another site, just like you have spammed your identical content on a miriad of other sites, regardless of the topic, this won't help your hit count.

    This is a surprise? Once again, it appears that the lunatic fringe has decided that bigotry is "in" and they don't have to hide it anymore, for some bizarre reason. On the upside, at least Billy Boy now wears his true colors on his sleeve. However, he failed to get full credit since he failed to preface the statement with "Jesus says ..." All the Dems have to do is keep bearing witness to this endless litany of Rep horsesh%$, and make damned sure that it keeps getting replayed in the MSM as we approach the midterms.

    And the big fat liar hypocrite and feeder at the public trough went on the Hannity show to defend his remarks The most pathetic thing about this he doesn't get it all he could do is talk about when he was drug czar how much he did for crime prevention in the black community I'm sure all the young black men in jail on pot charges thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced white bread

    On the upside, at least Billy Boy now wears his true colors on his sleeve.
    Oh, that Billy Boy. Ok, I'm off the hook. :}

    Hey forgive the guy, already...it was probably just the oxycontin and wild turkey talking.

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#5)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:31 PM EST
    if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country
    But if you TRULY wanted to reduce crime you would abort every WHITE baby in the country. And if you wanted to stop crime completely, just killl every adult and child in the country.

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#6)
    by rilkefan on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:31 PM EST
    Could a "liberal" explain exactly how this comment is "bigoted"? If he had said he wanted to do that, that would be "bigoted". However, is simply proposing an example - which may or may not be true - "bigoted"? Hasn't the left ever heard of Lysenkoism? (Oops! Silly question: the left invented Lysenkoism. Got Ingsoc?)

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#8)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:31 PM EST
    rilkefan, thanks for the link that proved my post!

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#9)
    by Kitt on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:31 PM EST
    And the big fat liar hypocrite and feeder at the public trough went on the Hannity show to defend his remarks The most pathetic thing about this he doesn't get it
    Oh now, lighten up. He said he was speaking 'philosophically.' He was simply posing a philsophical question - sure it was outrageous, but hey!

    Could a "liberal" explain exactly how this comment is "bigoted"?
    First, the bigotry of the statement doesn't need a "liberal" to explain it. Here is the problem: an abstract hypothetical statement, such as
    "killing babies will reduce crime--not that I would advocate such a thing."
    doesn't mention race. This is not the same statement as one that mentions a particular race; e.g.,
    "killing Martian babies will reduce crime--not that I would advocate such a thing."
    Such a statement is less abstract and general as the first, since other races are not mentioned. As soon as one particular race is mentioned, it is fair and appropriate to ask, "why that particular choice of race?" The qualification that the speaker would not advocate killing members of the mentioned race does not address why that race was mentioned as opposed to some other race. So one looks to the context to seek answers to the questions that the statement does not address. The context is talk radio. Since the revocation of the Fairness Doctrine, with the Reagan administration, talk radio, which is known for reactionary extremism, has flourished. In the context of talk radio, the choice of one race, as opposed to some other race, or no race (why even mention race?) involves a carefully calibrated appeal to the prejudices of the audience: the audience is flattered that they share, with the show's host, a tacit understanding of 1), the reason why the matter of race was mentioned, as opposed to not being mentioned; and 2), the reason why one race was mentioned, as opposed to some other race. The disclaimer that the host does not advocate killing babies of a particular race does not address the points the host wants to make, which concern that race, in particular. The disclaimer also appeals to the notion that the host and the audience are fundamentally good people, who do not harbor discriminatory impulses. This is a purely emotional appeal; it is not a logical appeal, as the intended message has been, in a certain sense, transmitted in code.

    Definition of bigoted: "blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others" Does this definition apply? Well, what would you think of me if I made the following statement on this here website: "But I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce corporate crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every Republican baby in this country, and your corporate crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your corporate crime rate would go down." Now, I may not have actually advocated Republican infanticide, since I immediately said that it would be an "impossible, ridiculous" (and oh, by the way -- I almost forgot! my bad! -- "morally reprehensible") thing to do. But because I said killing Republican babies would cut down on corporate crime, I'm therefore implying pretty strongly that Republicans are the main, if not only, culprits where corporate crime is concerned. I'd imagine "bigoted" would be the kindest word you'd have for me, surely.

    I don't see his statement as bigoted. I don't have the statistics, but I do believe that the black population commits more crimes than other people as a whole. I'm not trying to make a judgement and I've heard a lot of reasons and excuses for it. If this is true, it is reasonable and not bigoted to think that aborting all black babies would reduce crime. Now, before all the accusations, I will identify myself. I'm not on the LEFT, so I guess you can call me a troll if you like. I would put myself closer to libertarian than to any other political party. I am mostly conservative but don't consider myself a Republican.

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#14)
    by DonS on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:31 PM EST
    Bennet has a history of this sort of thing; making provocative statements and thinking he can talk his way out of them because the thinks he is so damn smart, in that conservative "I'm smarter thanyou are way" -- like his buddy Pat Buchanan. Bennett is a nicotoine addict, a gambling addict, and god know what else, who had the temerity to think he could guide the addiction policy of this nation. Who further thought he had the right to lecture this nation on morality. Other than that, he's right on.

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#15)
    by Johnny on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:31 PM EST
    Sorry Tom, that makes you a bigot as well. If you are concerned about blacks committing more crime, go out and do something about it instead of apologizing for this a$$holes rasicst remarks. (Note, you are not a troll, that is reserved for people who drop comments with a little ;) on the end)

    I guess Bennett has Richard Riodan as his speech writer --just another thoughtless stupid white guy remark -- and people are defending him????????? Currently Bennett is trying to steal public education dollars with a ponzi scheme he dreamed up with Michael Milken and there is any doubt in anyone's mind that he is a morally bankrupt and totally worthless human being Just review his time as drug czar... and people are supposed to lighten up? Words have meaning and it's pretty clear what he meant.

    post script as for the content of his remarks a lot of black people wouldn't be criminals if it weren't for the insane drug policy he supports

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#18)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:31 PM EST
    Bennett is a nicotoine addict, a gambling addict
    And these are his good qualities! I don't know if I believe that blacks commit more crimes than whites. I do believe they are arrested more than whites, prosecuted more than whites, convicted more than whites, and serve longer sentences than whites. I believe whites are more likely to get away with crime. True equality under the law is a myth.

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#19)
    by swingvote on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:31 PM EST
    (Note, you are not a troll, that is reserved for people who drop comments with a little ;) on the end) I would like to thank Johnny for finally making clear what he, at least, believes defines a troll; a sense of humor. Yeah, we surely don't need any more of that in the world;-) As for Bennett: He's right, on the statistics. If you kill any significant percentage of the population, regardless of their color, the crime rate is likely to go down. But that doesn't excuse his poor choice of words. If we take his later comments at face value and accept that he was trying to make a point about the problem with the idea that "the ends justify the means", it's easy enough to see that he may have a point, since, following that logic one could suggest such an approach to crime prevention. But I would expect someone with his years of experience being in the public spotlight to have a better grasp of how to put things without sounding like a complete idiot.

    Bennett is a racist but he is also an idiot --the whole comment is wrong headed and of course those who would defend him have their heads in the wrong place as well it is a racist remark but the comment as a whole is pretty stupid

    One of the problems with his comment is that he references "Freakonomics" but doesn't understand the methodology of how the author arrived at his position that when abortion rates are looked at in aggregate there is a correlation but not a causal correlation. And the economist who wrote "Freakonomics", I believe his name is Steven J. Sullivan, makes a point of adding that his numbers are skewed by racial differences, they are just the numbers for abortions performed in a certain time period. That being said Bennett twisted a viewpoint of one person to fit his own leanings. Anyone trying to defend this type of statement harbors racist tendencies themselves. And yeah JR it would upset me no matter what group he deemed appropriate for mass abortion. Nobody is saying if he had mentioned no group or another specific community we would be ok with it. To try an persue this point is dishonest. But I gotta hand it to ya', you do have a knack for conflating completely erroneous points with the subject at hand. BTW, that is a nice way of saying you like to defend things by positing things that are full of s@#t. Bennett didn't have to single out African Americans or any other group in this country. That he did gives us an insight into who he thinks are the "criminals" in this country as opposed to whom he thinks are the good guys. And he makes this plainly clear: Black people=criminals, White people=law abiding citizens. I can't wait to hear JR and all the other goons that post here whine about "Why do liberals keep calling us racists and bigots?" You are judged by the company you keep, right JR?

    In my haste to post my comment, I meant to clear up a couple of things but forgot to use the preview option. 1)I meant to say there is a correlation in the aggregate numbers between crime rates and abortion rates, but that doesn't signify causality. If you don't understand what that last sentence means then this debate is over. 2) I meant to say that the author of "Freakonomics" didn't use datum from one particular race, but data in it's aggregate form. He went out of his way to insure the numbers spoke for themselves and not for someones opinion. If you don't grasp this either, then don't even respond. You aren't worth the time.

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#23)
    by swingvote on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:32 PM EST
    Sherm, I'm not fronting for Bennett, and JR is certainly capable of making his own responses, but you should be careful with the You are judged by the company you keep line of reasoning considering how strongly Democrats have embraced former Klansmen, racial demagouges, and people like PIL, lest yee too be judged by the company you keep. Robert Byrd wasn't just a member of the Klan, he was a recruiter for the Klan, which means he must have been a true believer. I know he's apologized for this in the past, but I've never gotten the sense that wasn't more sorry it was known then he was about what he did, and his recent use of the n word in public conversation makes his own committment to racial harmony questionable at the least. Bennett should have chosen his words more wisely, but that hardly means all conservatives are racists.

    WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House on Friday criticized former Education Secretary William Bennett for remarks linking the crime rate and the abortion of black babies. "The president believes the comments were not appropriate," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said.

    I could care less if Bill Bennet is a racist. I already know for certain he is a lying, gambling, hypocrite. Why would I worry or believe anything else he says??

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#26)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:32 PM EST
    The racists here want to discuss race and crime, ok, let's have at it. It has been stated that at any one time, 40% of black males are in prison, jail, or on probation. If we accept these numbers, then the next question would be ; why? Besides the self evident correlation between poverty and crime, it is crucial to note that the justice system is itself racist. Some things are criminal because poor people do them. For example, let's take drinking in public. Rich people go to bars and clubs. They pay $5 for a beer. Poor people hang out together on a porch, in a yard, whatever, and pay $5 for a six pack. Now the poor are (petty) criminals. Also take a look at the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Without going in depth (I believe that TL has posted on this before) Possession of crack cocaine is sentenced much more harshly that possession of powdered cocaine. Black people are statistically more likely to smoke crack that to snort powder. Powder sniffers get drug court or probation, crack smokers get locked up. Correlations between race and crime mean very little when the crimes are written in a racist manner.

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#27)
    by roy on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:32 PM EST
    Only tangentially on-topic, "Freakonomics" handles the subject in a more sensitive and statistically rigorous manner. The authors have a blog post up clarifying a few things.

    Bennett should have chosen his words more wisely, but that hardly means all conservatives are racists.
    Perhaps, though if you wanted to reduce the number of conservatives who make statements like this:
    if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country
    -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every conservative baby in this country. Of course that would be morally reprehensible.

    Sorry charley, You racists aren't at all interested in an open discussion of black poverty, violence in the black community, or of the substandard educational system or of the impoverished and ineffective social services that stifle opportunities for poor Americans--black and white. To suggest otherwise is the kind of three card monty Bennett pulled on the radio--and incidently got him in trouble. Look at Bennett's comments in context. He was responding to a caller. The caller suggested that banning abortion may have a positive effect on the social security deficit. Less abortions leads to more workers paying more social security taxes which equals the end of the deficit. Hmm, thinks Bennett, that logic only works if the aborted babies would necessarily become productive workers. "It cuts both ways" he stammers. And then the A ha! moment: Hey what if those babies not only didn't become productive but became criminals instead! "Whose having all these abortions?" he thinks. "Single mothers? Not quite. Right, black people! Black single mothers. Black single mothers on welfare!" Enough has been said about Bennett's racist equation of criminality and blackness. But let's add to the mix that it was Bennett who ran away from a discussion about poverty (abortion and social security) to one about race and crime. Enough hocus pocus about compassionate conservatism! I suppose next you'll tell us (ala Barbara Bush) that the 40% of blacks in prison at least get three square meals a day and have a shelter over their heads.

    For DC to improve it --I would start with homerule so they don't have to kowtow to incompetent racist pigs like Bill Bennett and his ilk. And I would properly fund head start and I would reverse the trend of more people in poverty started during this administration I would not cut the prevailing wage and any other of a number of programs that have been suggested but squahsed by the Republicans in power Some people are feckless and factless There is plenty that could be done ...with the 8billion dollars the incompetent Bush lost in Iraq ...let alone with what he spent there based on a lie.

    even setting the creepy nazi genocidal aspect of bennett's statement aside, the very idea that it's the color of one's skin rather than the disenfranchisement resulting from others' reaction to that skin color which is primary to the propensity to commit crime is the very heart of racism. other than that, skippy has a good idea for lowering the crime rate.

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#32)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:32 PM EST
    Another example: Poor guy throws dice in the parking lot. He's a criminal. Rich white guy goes to Vegas. The house puts a slot machine right in his room.........

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#33)
    by swingvote on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:32 PM EST
    For DC to improve it --I would start with homerule so they don't have to kowtow to incompetent racist pigs like Bill Bennett and his ilk. DC has had homerule for over 30 years. Is this an unknown to some, or are you suggesting something than more than a functioning city government that makes its own laws and taxes it own citizens for revenue as being "homerule"? And when exactly was Bill Bennett running DC?

    I don't see his statement as bigoted. I don't have the statistics, but I do believe that the black population commits more crimes than other people as a whole.
    Well, when you actually have some hard data (and I'm assuming you'll also include ALL crimes committed by ALL ethnic groups), come back and try to defend your statement.

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#35)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:32 PM EST
    Good examples Roger...well said.

    Homerule -- my bad wrong term my bad I should have said voting rights for DC Congress has far too much say over the budget and other monies for the District and residents are not represented in Congress It was in response to a request for what ever had liberals done for black people.

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#37)
    by swingvote on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:32 PM EST
    What a load, According to the DC City Government web site, Congress does not control its budget, and given the amount of tax money it collects from its citizens, I am disinclined to believe otherwise. As for voting rights and representation: DC does have a representative, albeit one that does not have a vote. But there are reasons for that. DC is not a state, and only states have voting representation in our government. You'll have to change the Constitution to get around that, and what you'll end up with is every city in the nation claiming it deserves it own Senators too. There is also the point that no one is forced to live in DC and go without representation. It's actually a very small city, and moving out to the surrounding suburbs is not that difficult (I'm picking up new neighbors from inside the city every week). It's not as if anyone living in DC today didn't make the choice to live there (or have it made for them by a parent) knowing that the city does not have a vote in Congress. Finally, and with all due respect, the citizens of DC would, in my opinion, find the representation they do have much more effective if they stopped sending a notorious tax cheat who is so far to the left that she isn't taken seriously by most liberal Democrats. Eleanor Holmes Norton will always vote the liberal line, which gives her no ability to negotiate with anyone. Her position on any issue is a given.

    Charley, as a minority I have no problem talking about crime and race. It doesn't frighten me one iota and your characteriaztion of all "liberals" being timid east coast elites who have come to their political stances through some type of excorcism of white guilt just continues to paint you as an ignorant individual. And far be it from me to try and reign in freedom of speech, but stay on topic goon. The topic of this thread is how much of a bigot and racist Bill "I have the gaul and temerity to tell other people how to live their lives while I blow a whold wad of cash at the Black Jack table" Bennett has outed himself to be. If you want to have a reasoned debate about race and crime then you might want to start up your own blog and I will happily pop over to mop the floor with you and your lame attempts at trying to sound educated. Otherwise, STAY ON TOPIC! or STFU! justpoopforbrains, yet again as a member of one of the smallest minority groups in this country I have absolutely no problem taking in anyone that has confronted their demons, done battle with them, amended their ways, and can honestly say that they want to change. I have a very close friend who use to be a WP skin who found the hate he had wasn't for other races, but for the effed up family life he experienced. To this day he and I work with other young punks to get out of the WP movement and do something positive. I don't try to brain wash them into becoming "libruls" or dem's, they will find their own path. What I do try to convey to them is that I think it is incredibly important to take institutions that were once openly hostile to minorities, like the Democrat party, and make our own. Ours being African Americans, European Americans, Asian Americans, etc. It is like Harvey Milk said the Democrats are for the Us's in this world that the rich, priveleged, and overwhelming ly male/white exclude from the natiional discourse. That is why my hard working, blue collar parents were Democrats and I will be until the day I die. And I also learned from them to call a racist a racist when I see one, and Billy Bennett sure looks like one to me. But so do all of the apologists that are taking up for him. No not all conservatives are racists, they just tend to hang out with them more often. Just check out stormfront.org and you will see what I mean. There are alot of seemingly normal folks posting there that kindof sound like you. So where do you think that puts you, justpoop?

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#39)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:32 PM EST
    JustPaul, How many ways can you attempt to hijack a thread that you dont like? Subject making you uncomfortable?

    Whoops, I meant gall instead of gaul. I didn't mean to offend any French Barbarians who might be reading this site by associating them with a waste of a sperm and an egg like Bill Bennett.

    Re: "Book of Virtues" Author Bennett Makes Bigote (none / 0) (#41)
    by swingvote on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:32 PM EST
    Roger, Please try reading from the top of the comments before going on the attack. I made my thoughts on Bennett clear long before you got here, and the other two issues I've broached were in response to comments left by others. Are you so afraid of the truth on these things that you have to cry foul. Is that you're contribution to this thread? Sherm, All well and good, assuming Byrd, Sharpton, et al have in fact changed their ways. I haven't yet seen any evidence that they have.