
A Good Week for America; Don't Ruin It W

by Last Night in Little Rock

As the Chinese Proverb says: "May you live in interesting times." This has been an interesting week for the Republicans.

Waiting for the other shoe?

Today, Chief Justice John Roberts was confirmed and sworn in. Not the best nominee, but we could have had far worse. In a trade for Rehnquist, we may have come out better.

Yesterday, Tom DeLay was finally indicted. With all his BS posturing and "calling the frog ugly," it has all the signs of a deal having already been cut (i.e., the waiver of the statute of limitations where both sides buy time; downside to the defense: Indictment is inevitable).

Also yesterday, the Republicans in the House named Roy Blunt, the next most corrupt member of Congress to replace him as Majority Whip.

Day before yesterday, Tom Frist became the subject of an SEC investigation for insider trading. Remember Martha Stewart? One is a pompous as* and the other is a domestic diva. She can give him pointers on doing time.

Before that, Bush's poll numbers are in free fall, jeopardizing every Republican up in 2006.

In the three weeks before that, Katrina, the Nation's worst and Bush's own worst personal disaster.

The other shoe: Who will be the next SCOTUS appointee? I agree with Jerri: Prado's without any doubt the best, and he would be confirmed in a heartbeat.

Can we be that lucky? Will the Bush White House try to reverse the trend and do something smart? We can't give them that much credit.

< Media Assault Begins Over SCOTUS Nominee | Judith Miller Released, Will Testify Tomorrow >
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