
Leahy to Back Roberts, Kennedy to Oppose

Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy has announced he will back John Roberts for Chief Justice. Sen. Edward Kennedy said he will vote against him. John Kerry is likely to vote no as well.

Update: Excerpts from John Kerry's statement of reasons for opposing Roberts is here.

My biggest concern right now is that Justice Stevens will retire. That will mean Bush packs the court with three new conservatives.

Update (by TChris): David Corn weighs in, arguing that the Democratic leadership (such as it is) needs to stay in synch with its base rather than dividing on key issues.

< Specter Consults, Wants O'Connor to Remain on Court | WSJ: GOP Using Katrina Relief to Advance Agenda >
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    Re: Leahy to Back Roberts, Kennedy to Oppose (none / 0) (#1)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:09 PM EST
    WTF has the water in Vermont been drugged? Sellout, who would have guessed.