
Morganthau Easily Beats Crocker-Snyder for Manhattan D.A.

Former Judge Leslie Crocker Snyder has lost her bid to run for Manhattan District Attorney. Current Manhattan D.A. Robert Morganthau easily won in the New York Democratic primary.

Morgenthau, age 86 and in office since 1974, topped Snyder 59 percent to 41 percent with 99 percent of precincts reporting.

That's good. Judge Crocker Snyder, while experienced and smart, was a hanging judge when it came to sentencing and a proponent of the death penalty, once writing that as to a certain defendant, she'd have "needled him" herself.

Morganthau has been DA in New York forever, but he's a staunch opponent of the death penalty and his office runs smoothly. If the cart ain't broke...

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