
RoveGate: What Statute Would Fitzgerald Use?

The Washington Post has an article today in which lawyers theorize about statutes Fitzgerald might use against Rove and company in the Valerie Plame leak.

While I agree that the federal statute prohibiting leaking a covert operative's identity may be a stretch in this case, I think the new statute bandied about in the article, embezzlement of public property, is an even greater stretch.

Fitzgerald seems to have plenty of choices with perjury, making a false statement to a federal official, obstruction of justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice. He may even have conspiracy to out a covert operative.

I doubt Fitzgerald is out searching for statutes to charge Administration officials using some novel theory. If he has the goods on the traditional ones, he'll indict. If he doesn't, he won't.

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    Re: RoveGate: What Statute Would Fitzgerald Use? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:25 PM EST
    The Rove Scandal Document Center has a complete collection of the essential briefings, articles, timelines, statutes and other key PlameGate materials.