
Judge Roberts' Wife Opposes the Death Penalty

Judge John G. Roberts' wife is a consistent Catholic pro-lifer who opposes the death penalty. She belongs to an anti-capital punishment group. In the article on Justice Stevens' speech critical of the death penalty that I reported on earlier today, someone has called my attention to this statement which I missed.

"It [the death penalty] doesn't appear to be shaping up as a major issue," said Kent Scheidegger, legal director of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation, a pro-death penalty group.

Scheidegger said that although Roberts' wife, Jane, is a member of a group that opposes capital punishment, Roberts has had no opportunities to vote on death cases in his two years on a federal appeals court.

Sentencing Law and Policy reported on July, 19:

I just received an interesting report that there is a rumor going around on a national death penalty discussion list "that Roberts is a 'pro-life conservative' and personally opposed to the death penalty."

Does it matter? It didn't stop him from arguing to restrict the rights of death row inmates rights in the past. Or were those cases just examples of him doing his job as the advocate for the Government.

I hope some Senators ask him whether he played any role in selecting death penalty cases for appeal while he was in the Solicitor General's office. Senator Feingold, are you listening?

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