
Sunday Reading

  • Grits for Breakfast on the increased use of pretext traffic stops to bring out the dogs and search for drugs

  • Federal Appeals Court Judge Richard Posner (himself a blogger) has an excellent essay, Bad News,in the New York Times book review section discussing among other topics, whether blogs are a threat to MSM. He comes down on the side that blogs are good, and praises their self-correcting policies.

When the administration decides that the time to attack Iran is now, Bolton’s presence at the U.N. will be indispensable to their plans.

< Bush: Headed Off to Ranch for 50th Time in 5 Years | Profiling Is Not the Answer >
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  • Re: Sunday Reading (none / 0) (#1)
    by aw on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:47 PM EST
    MJ is a dangerous drug. Lies, lies, lies. Their audience must be getting smaller and smaller. MJ is a drug that relieves my recurring hives. It's a damn miracle compared to steroids. Works way faster and is cheap. No side effects.

    Re: Sunday Reading (none / 0) (#2)
    by Jack on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:47 PM EST
    I have never smoked pot but I have for the past year or so bought and eaten shelled hemp seed at the local food co-op. Very tasty and also good for you. Full of Omega 3. Grown in Canada. Our backward "drug policies" keep the american farmer from profiting on this crop. It's in my shampoo too. I know the drug warriors would like to outlaw my showers and my salads. Great priorities. Where's Bin Laden again?

    Re: Sunday Reading (none / 0) (#3)
    by jackl2400 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:48 PM EST
    Keep your eyes on this case as the Canadians have to deal with the US extradition request for Marc Emery. Marc is known in Canada as the "prince of pot" and is the Jonny Appleseed of both popularizing breeding fine hyrbid seeds as a business and marrying that with old-fashioned political activism that hasn't been seen south of the border for a generation (along with David Malmo-Levine and others). The thing is, selling seeds and growing supplies is not "really" illegal in Canada and the country is much farther along in considering a less rabid approach than US-style drug prohibition...that is, if it weren't for the fear of the Americans' heavy-handed meddling and threats to retaliate if the Canadians do not do as they're told and scuttle mj "decrim". Emory is facing US (not Candaian) charges of 10 years to life in the US District Court in Washington State for "conspiracy to manufacture marijuana and money laundering, etc" by his selling seeds by mail to Americans. There's doubt he'd be even arrested or incarcerated for a similar crime in Canada. I seem to recall that disparities in criminal laws and penalties can result in a decision not to extradite. Most initial Canadian opinion I've seen in mainstream/conservative papers like the Globe and Mail and the Vancouver Sun have seemed more outraged over the US brushing aside Canadian sovereignty than with Emory's antics, while perhaps the tiresome antics of a pot fanatic, still not siding with the American DEA on this in the least.