
Who Was On Air Force One?

A week ago, I tried to connect some dots about who was on Air Force One from July 7 - 12, 2003 (Bush's trip to Africa) by checking some African news reports. Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Ari Fleisher, Deputy Foreign Secretary for Africa Walter Kansteiner, and Andrew Card were for sure on the trip. Karl Rove and Lewis Libby for sure weren't.

Scout Prime has picked up the ball and is running with it. She's now trying to find out if Powell's chief of staff White House Communications Director, Dan Bartlett was on the plane. Needlenose is also on the case. [Update: Bartlett was on the plane, Scout has pictures of him there]

I think Dan Bartlett was on the trip.

  • Dallas Morning News (7/12/03) (available on lexis.com):

On the fourth day of his five-day tour of sub-Saharan Africa, Mr. Bush sought more forcefully to espouse some of the compassionate conservative philosophy that he showcases back home... Bush was warmly received at a clinic run by The AIDS Support Organization, both in the small courtyard where he spoke and inside one of the small, brick buildings, where he met privately with about two dozen people suffering from the AIDS virus. "It was very emotional," said White House communications director Dan Bartlett.

President Bush met privately Friday with two dozen AIDS patients during a stop in Uganda. An aide said he found it a moving experience....Of his meeting with AIDS patients... "It was very emotional," said White House communications director Dan Bartlett. "He was misty-eyed."

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