
Feds Charge Anti-War Protestors

The Bush Administration once again shows its disdain for states' rights and civil liberties:

The U.S. federal government is prosecuting four Catholic peace activists from Ithaca, N.Y., after a state court jury refused to convict them last year for their antiwar protest at a local U.S. military recruiting station. The federal charges made against the activists include “conspiracy to impede an officer of the United States,” a crime punishable by up to six years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

“The federal government is clearly trying to make an example of these people and to intimidate future nonviolent protestors by charging these folks with conspiracy,” said Bill Quigley, a law professor at Loyola University, New Orleans, and an advising attorney for the activists.

[hat tip Peter G.]

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  • Re: Feds Charge Anti-War Protestors (none / 0) (#1)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:03 PM EST
    It must have been a "liberal activist" court that refused to convict. Big brother will right the wrong and convict these patriots...er traitors.

    Re: Feds Charge Anti-War Protestors (none / 0) (#2)
    by roy on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:04 PM EST
    But in February, a federal grand jury charged the four activists ... with two counts of criminal trespass, destruction of government property and conspiring to induce “by force, intimidation and threat, officers of the United States to leave the place where their duties as officers of the United States are required to be performed.”
    Destruction of government property might be a reasonable charge. I'm not sure if smearing blood of something is "destruction", but it can't be good for carpet. Criminal trespass? On public property, open the public, inviting people in off the streets? Stupid. Conspiracy? There was no force or threat. If the recruiters were intimidated, then they aren't fit to wear the uniform. Stupid.

    Re: Feds Charge Anti-War Protestors (none / 0) (#3)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:04 PM EST
    roy....we may disagree, but you believe in freedom, and that's enough. Regarding destruction of govt. property, I don't think that applies. Nothing was destroyed, at most it was defaced. The govt. is trying to quiet dissent, and that is unacceptable in America.

    Re: Feds Charge Anti-War Protestors (none / 0) (#4)
    by The Heretik on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:04 PM EST
    Important moment in history of Iraq war. More here with links

    Re: Feds Charge Anti-War Protestors (none / 0) (#6)
    by Quaker in a Basement on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:04 PM EST
    Yikes. This case looks like bad news. I believe the property charge is actually "harming or injuring" government property, which they clearly did by pouring blood on it. The tresspass charge arises from the fact that the defendents returned to the recruiting station after they had been removed once. But those counts are small potatoes. It's the conspiracy count that's egregious. The defendents are charged with conspiracy to impede an officer of the United States through force, threat, or intimidation. That's the one that carries the hefty sentence. The defendents have filed a motion with the court seeking a "bill of particulars" outlining the specific charges and evidence that will be brought against them. After spending way too much of the afternoon searching, I can't find any responses to that motion that have been posted on the net. The defendents have already been tried in state court, resulting in a hung jury. The district attorney, without explanation, has decided to take the case to federal court. This one bears watching.

    Re: Feds Charge Anti-War Protestors (none / 0) (#7)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:04 PM EST
    The feds will ALWAYS add conspiracy. Sounds dangerous. Gets longer sentences. S**t they'd slap a conspiracy charge on a speeder if they could.

    Re: Feds Charge Anti-War Protestors (none / 0) (#8)
    by Richard Aubrey on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:05 PM EST
    There's no grounds for complaint, here. What would happen if the guys weren't charged? No martyrs. No bewildered innocents unable to understand why The Man hates peace and loves war and tyranny. Yeah, conspiracy is a lame charge, but it is almost always lame. Or, wait, is that one of Ken Lay's charges? Well, if it is, it's not lame.