
Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act Hearing

Update: Sensenbrenner storms out of hearing, gavel in hand. Crooks and Liars has the video.

[Rep. Jerome] Nadler said Sensenbrenner, one of the authors of the Patriot Act, was "rather rude, cutting everybody off in mid-sentence with an attitude of total hostility."

Original Post:

Raw Story has the details:

A furor erupted after Republican House Judiciary Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner shut off the microphones during a hearing on the Patriot Act Friday, accusing Democrats of raising issues unrelated to the Act such as treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, RAW STORY has learned.

The Democrats' leader in the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), called the move a "shameful attempt today to silence Democrats at hearing this morning on the impact of the Patriot Act," and demanded the Republican leadership force Sensenbrenner to apologize.

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  • As I recall from CSPAN coverage, and confirmed by the AP, it was Mike Pence (R-Ind) who brought up Amnesty Int. and the "Gulag" comment, which, at the time, didn't upset Sensenbrenner. Senseless-brenner wouldn't allow the Am. rep to answer the charges until Jerry Nadler-(D-NY) raised a "Point of decency". The Rep then said their piece, and Sensenbrenner shortly thereafter threw a childlike fit, took his ball and went home. Can't wait to see this again in the Dems' 2006 and 2008 political ads. Heh-indeedy.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#27)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:54 PM EST
    Adept - Of course it didn't upset him. My point wasn't that his actions were "right," but that they were "legal." Big difference. Che - The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#1)
    by DawesFred60 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:55 PM EST
    The Patriot act will cut a-lot-of-throats in the end, and the throats being cut will not be the ones you are thinking of, but your throat. any-time-a-government can do you it will, ask this question why did your government allow so many people to come here from the mideast that hate this so called country? why is it that your government is allowing 5,000 mexican drug commandos inside the so called usa? why is it that bush is not telling you the facts of what is really happening inside iraq? check-out HR 3162 sec.371,sec.360 and sec.213, read it understand what its really all-about. I would like to say the government can kill me but it can't eat me yet! but the day is coming when it will do just that, for the non ideals of control over all of you on this good earth.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#2)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:55 PM EST
    Senselessbrenner is quickly becoming my least favorite pol.

    What a loon. Sensenbrenner was the same guy who rewrote the summaries of Democratic amendments to an interstate abortion bill so the amendments appeared to protect child molesters.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#4)
    by desertswine on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:55 PM EST
    You're travelling through another dimension.... Are we there yet?

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#5)
    by Mreddieb on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:55 PM EST
    This is a very UN-Patriotic thing to do when they are discussing our nations security! These repigs are real Pigs. the only freedom they understand is the freedom to act like fachists!

    if a hearing is about the Patriot Act, shouldn't the hearing actually concern debate about it. Unfortunately, you can't find any actual abuse under it so you have to try to bring in Gitmo debate. I am sure the American people will love to hear continuing Gulag quotes from AI.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#7)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:55 PM EST
    Ed, Your point is taken. Nevertheless, Sensenbrenner's way of dealing with the issue was infantile.

    That's why Blaghdaddy can't stand conservatives ...they talk the talk, but when things don't go their way, they take their marbles and go home...this was government? Looked like a kindergarten sandbox squabble to Blagh... Don't look now, folks, but those storm clouds everyone starting talking about after S.S. and Schiavo, seem to be arriving... Let's hope for rain in Crawford...pray, 'cause we know God's on George's side...

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#9)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:55 PM EST
    Does any one care that we lost five more troops yesterday in the worst attack on US forces in many months. My local paper, 3 miles from Pendleton, didn't have one article about Iraq today. WTF?

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#25)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:55 PM EST
    Making OT comments is somewhat different than hijacking a thread. Sensenbrenner is also the author of the HS bill called the Child Protection and Drug Rehabilitation bill, that would make sahring small amounts of MJ with someone under 18 a mandatory 10 year prison term, or with someone who has been in rehab a mandatory 5 years prison term. This man is very dangerous.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#11)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    Narius, No S**t Sherlock! I was deliberately OT to remind you that the MSM is trying to bury Iraq in the back pages.

    when are we going to bet a clue that these Extremist Right politicians and their organizations have NO interest in playing politics as usual -- in other words as the US democratic system has run until their take over. They are not interested in counter-arguments, rational opposing opinions, challenges to their status quo and will go to any lengths to protect this interest. Such as mocking any Democratic or liberal or progressive idea as "homosexual agenda" "leftists" "radical" "activist" until the populace believes. When will our Dems in Congress get a clue that compromise with this mindset is capitulation?

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#13)
    by veloer on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    Sensenbrenner, an oxymoron.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#14)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    Gee, maybe the only way to talk about the american gulag is during other, loosely related, proceedings. Otherwise, it doesnt exist

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#15)
    by Linkmeister on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    Ed, in theory you're right. In practice, though, all manner of things get dumped into legislation because the overall bill is a "must-pass," as some rather obnoxious things did in the recent military spending bill. So bringing something up in committee which isn't entirely germane is fair play. Besides, I could make a case that an Administration which behaves contrary to treaties and international laws at Gitmo can't be trusted to follow the rules the Patriot Act sets out.

    And none dare call it fascism.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#17)
    by pigwiggle on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    I watched it twice on C-SPAN today; unreal. Democrats; make hay. Imagine the ads that can be had out of this footage.

    Exactly Tristero...why should anyone expect civil, open discussion of a bill such as this? Especially from one of the greatest proponents of the bill? I don't believe the Neocons have the intent to turn America into a modern fascist state, but they most definitely have fascist tendencies. Marry that with the apathy, dissociation of responsibility in both government and corporate power -- those tendencies may well breed a life of their own. What's more disturbing is that the Democrats have principles and standards that are increasingly comparable to the Weimars.

    "fas·cism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fshzm) n. often Fascism A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government. Oppressive, dictatorial control." Sounds pretty close to me.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#20)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    V2marty writes:
    "suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship,.."
    I wonder when the bogeyman is going to show and shut your mike off, V2marty. Want to know something? He's not. Che - And you were complaing about OT? I am LOL.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#21)
    by aw on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    I wonder when the bogeyman is going to show and shut your mike off, V2marty. Want to know something? He's not.
    Hey, PPJ, Sensenbrenner did shut the mike off on the democrats. Would you care to address that?

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#22)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    aw - Here is what the post said: "Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., chairman of the panel, abruptly gaveled the meeting to an end and walked out, followed by other Republicans. Sensenbrenner declared that much of the testimony, which veered into debate over the detainees at Guantanamo Bay, was irrelevant." Sounds like he was shutting down a thread that had gotten completely off topic. ;-) But, even taking the position that the Committee Chairman shouldn't have the power to shut it down for any reason, which he does, calling up a Fascist's warning is over the top and just makes reasonable people giggle. BTW - This is why loosing elections hurts. It prevents you from using platforms to make points and control the debate.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#23)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    et al - "LOSING" elections also hurt. Loosing elections only hurt if you get caught. ;-)

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#24)
    by Randinho on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    Please let me know when the adults take control of our government again.

    I want to hear why bush's policies aren't fascist, Jim. Not just some snark. Has censorship not increased 10 fold while nationalism was whipped into a frenzy over fictionalized threats? And how is our little jihad against Moslems going?

    I don't recall my post mentioning "right" or "legal". Just that Senseless was acting like a 5 year old who said "I'm taking my ball and going home". Big Difference. Snark's about all he's got these days, V2Marty.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#30)
    by Dadler on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    anyone who thinks the gitmo gulag and the patriot act are not related needs to have their brain replaced. and anyone with a problem calling gitmo a gulag is a pathetic excuse for an american who probably thinks their own sh*t doesn't smell. a country that sings its own praises, claims to be the last best hope for mankind, blah blah blah, ought to be smart enough to understand you get held to a higher standard. don't want to be? tough. we get what we ask for. amnesty int'l altered their language for nothing more than p.r. purposes. guys like sensenbrenner don't believe in anything but their big egos, their bigger wallets, and their tiny little dicks. and they run the country. we...are...screwed.

    "Posted by Ed: "Unfortunately, you can't find any actual abuse." The 'Patriot Act' itself is an abuse. Answer one question: HOW was it possible to prepare the 600 page long initial Patriot Act in three days after 9i1? How was it possible to have the thing on hand, waiting for a terror attack? How is it that there wasn't time to actually READ the bill before calling a vote? Bush makes law and interprets it. He's the three branches of government all rolled into one UNELECTED halfwit prince. Isn't the fact that the authors did NOTHING to counter the threat in order to fly this fascist piece of junk law evidence of abuse? YOU BET IT IS. Forget the Patriot Act. How about the Real Patriot Act? Aka IMPEACHMENT -- for about ten thousands acts of calumny, conspiracy, war crime, subversion of the Constitution, lying to the public and Congress, corruption, pay for play...the list goes on and on. How about that rightwing horror that Mary Carey the pornstar will be having dinner at the White House next week? Hate the pornography but love the pornstar, is that it? How much are those Lincoln Bedroom overnighters going for, and do they include the services of Ms. Carey? Or is that only for the fascist elites?

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#32)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    Adept - I have seen many five year old type actions in Congress. When it is a Repub, the Demos scream. When it is a Demo the Repubs scream. Tis the nature of the beast. PIL - Glad to see that reality has not yet ruined your vision of the universe. Dadler - Guess you won't need to hold your nose around me. Some differences: At a gulag the prisoners would not be fed three hots that meet their special religious and dietary reqiirements. At a gulag the prisoners would not be given a copy of their religious books, etc. At a gulag the prisoners wouldn't have directions to Mecca so that the prisoner is comfortable that they are pointed in the right direction for prayers. At gulag the prisoners would not be called to prayers at the correct times. At a gulag if an prisoner threw urine and/or feces on a guard the retaliation would be fearsome. I could go on, but I think you see my point, even though you will never admit it. V2Marty - You want, you want, you want? Tell me the last time you were censored. You know, the Left's continual oversatements are killing them. Bush is called a Nazi, or Fascist, or a war criminal regularly. Etc., etc., etc. This might have worked, in the past. But with all the channel news, and the Internet, there is too much information out there for propaganda to be efffective. It would be much smarter to engage them on issues.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#33)
    by john horse on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    PPJ, Lets have an independent investigation of Guantanamo. If the prisoners are being as well treated as you believe then disclosure of their kind treatment through an independent investigation should correct many of the misperceptions that have arisen since the Abu Ghraib scandal. If there is nothing to hide then there is no reason to fear an investigation.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#34)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    JH - Tell you what. Let's just get on with the war, and have an investigation after it is over and all of the complaints by the Left won't be aiding the terrorists.

    Get your war on, Jim. Too bad you haven't the legal right, the moral right, the actual results, or ANYTHING to define the 'end' of that war. YOU are aiding the terrorists. Bush's whole plan is to aid the terrorists. That is why he ARMED THEM. That's why they lied us into war. That's why he did nothing to prevent 9i1. And that's why he has ENRICHED HIMSELF THROUGH WAR more than ANY real president in US history. Mi$$ion accompli$hed.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#36)
    by aw on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    So, you approve of Sensenbrenner's action then, PPJ? You think this is good government when half the country has no say?

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#37)
    by Aaron on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    I watch this on C-SPAN while it was happening... shameful.

    While watching the video, what I thought was shameful were the actions of the committee when the Chair preempted testimony and gaveled an early adjournment. No one asked the Chair for a motion nor was a motion seconded. The Chair acted arbitrarily and even GOP members of the committee have an obligation to not blithely go along with such an impertinent act by the Chair. If this is the way it is going to be, where the political agenda trumps rules of order and even Constitutional fiat and no one acts to address the breach of duty, then we may as well enjoin ourselves to a broad tax protest and starve this beast into submission. The gavel belongs to us.

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#39)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:57 PM EST
    PIL - The withdrawal strategy is to win. aw - I think getting upset over a partisan hissy fit is a huge waste of energy. Both sides have had'em and both sides will have'em. The problem you face is that you keep losing elections. This makes the Repub hissy fits more effective than the Demos. In the mean time, the terrorists are noting all the political activity and are calling up General Giap and saying, "Thanks for the strategy. We think it's working."

    Notice how PPJ always wants to make up and play nice when it's the 'Pugs acting like idiots? When it's the Dems, "String-'em up..." "Oh, it was a Republican who did that, was it? Well, let's not get all upset..." If that had been a Dem, the 'Pugs would be marching on Capitol Hill as we speak...more of the same, Blagh guesses...

    Re: Sensenbrenner Cuts Mikes During Patriot Act He (none / 0) (#42)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:57 PM EST
    Blag - Examples?

    "Posted by Jim: "PIL - The withdrawal strategy is to win." HILARIOUS, Jim. How do you measure 'winning'? You don't -- it's a LIE. The Powell Doctrine, which many of us took as the understanding of why Vietnam was a DEBACLE for our military, SPECIFICALLY disagrees with you. The strategy of 'winning' is EXACTLY what nullifies the sanity of the Powell Doctrine. What military ever invaded and didn't intend to win? The intent to win is not a Powell Doctrine strategy. It fails for the reasons Powell stated, namely that partisans pushing a specific strategy are biased to it, and lie about it, and cannot be expected to make choices that counter their fetishes and lies. It's not just Powell Doctrine. US LAW stated that Rumsfeld was required to medically test ALL soldiers sent into combat beforehand, to create a baseline for resulting illness. Rumsfeld violated the law, and passed out QUESTIONAIRES. Ask a soldier if he is healthy before deployment, and the answer is oohrah. They're trained to answer that way. Ask a warhawk politician if he thinks if its OK for another 10,000 soldiers to die for his mistakes, and the answer is oohrah. That warhawk politician isn't trained to answer that way -- it's his COWARDICE talking. He doesn't want to face the music of his failed policy, and would rather (Paths of Glory, anyone) continue to write insane, useless orders in the blood of others. You would understand that if weren't such a partisan liar.

    "Posted by Jim: "The problem you face is that you keep losing elections.

    That's a problem for us Dems, because the R-traitors who are behind the vote-fraud systems they put into place don't give a flying f*k about democracy. How about a refund on that $125,000 we paid for our Ohio recount, which the Bush-campaign chair in Ohio BLOCKED from occuring, because he knew that BUSH LOST OHIO. You are traitors to the Constitution. That's probably why you think liberals or even leftists are in league with Al Qaeda. It's projection, once again. You blame others for your own crimes.