
Bush Grants Seven Pardons This Week

According to this DOJ press release, President Bush granted seven pardons this week. Law Professor Ellen Podgor of White Collar Crime Blog has the breakdown and analysis.

The pardons are mostly for "white collar" offenses, but one marijuana defendant from Texas is in the group. I wonder if an enterprising reporter or blogger will uncover a connection between Bush and this pardonee:

James Edward Reed
Kaufman, Texas
Offense: Conspiracy to possess
with intent to distribute marijuana; 21 U.S.C. § 846.
Sentence: January 10, 1975; Northern District of Texas;
18 months imprisonment; two years special parole.

Update: Could he have any connection to Bush White House political director Ron Kaufman? Never mind, Kaufman is the city in Texas, not the pardoned man's name. Thanks to the commenter who pointed this out.

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    Re: Bush Grants Seven Pardons This Week (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:55 PM EST
    I don't think it's related to Ron Kaufman. The city in Texas is named Kaufman. It's not the guy's last name.