
Emmett Till: His Case Still Matters

Earl Ofari Huchinson, writing at the Huffington Post, explains why Emmett Till's case still matters. I agree with him, and I also think the dedication of filmmaker Keith Beauchamp should receive greater attention. Without the film, I don't believe the case would ever have been reopened.

Blaghdaddy disagrees with the exhumation of Mr. Till's body, and the re-opening of the case, using graphic language that would trigger the alarm bells of censor software used by law firms and get TalkLeft banned, but feel free to argue with him over there.

All of TalkLeft's Emmett Till coverage is accessible here.

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    Re: Emmett Till: His Case Still Matters (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:38 PM EST
    You're absolutely right, TL, Blagh disagrees whole-heartedly with this entire charade... Is anyone telling Blaghdaddy that the tests they will perform on old "young" Emmitt are new-tech tests that weren't available befor