
GW: Frat Boy

Playwright Seth Greenland writes over at the Huffington Post [Hat Tip: Daou Report]:

After the Koran-in-the-can story, and Friday’s photos of Saddam kicking back in his underwear, what’s next for the U.S. military? An all-out panty raid?

The whole world’s becoming a frat party and the President of the United States is manning the keg. With his prancing around a destroyer deck like a member of the Village People and his calls of “Bring ‘em on!”, the former cheerleader has certainly shown it’s still all right to have fun!

On a more serious note at the H.P., Stephen Elliott takes on the new Anti-Gang Act.

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    Re: GW: Frat Boy (none / 0) (#9)
    by Dadler on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:55:40 PM EST
    Sorry griffen, GW strikes me as the most profoundly boring human being on the planet. He's a bully, a spoiled silver spoon, and I doubt we'd have anything to talk about.