
Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arrested

by TChris

Last September, TalkLeft reported the arrest of 1,000 protesters at the Republican National Convention in New York City. It turned out that 1,806 people were arrested during the Convention, including a guy who was busted while he was on his way to pick up sushi.

The first arrestee to take his case to trial, Dennis Kyne, was charged with inciting a riot and resisting arrest. The arresting officer testified that Kyne had to be carried away "because he was kicking and refusing to walk on his own." The officer didn't know, however, that the arrest was captured on a video recording that would expose his perjury.

During a recess, the defense had brought new information to the prosecutor. A videotape shot by a documentary filmmaker showed Mr. Kyne agitated but plainly walking under his own power down the library steps, contradicting the vivid account of Officer Wohl, who was nowhere to be seen in the pictures. Nor was the officer seen taking part in the arrests of four other people at the library against whom he signed complaints.

The charges were abruptly dismissed. And what about the poor guy who just wanted to get his sushi?

Last week, he discovered that there were two versions of the same police tape: the one that was to be used as evidence in his trial had been edited at two spots, removing images that showed Mr. Dunlop behaving peacefully. When a volunteer film archivist found a more complete version of the tape and gave it to Mr. Dunlop's lawyer, prosecutors immediately dropped the charges and said that a technician had cut the material by mistake.

How convenient that this "mistake" happened to benefit the prosecution. The deleted portions of the tape contradicted police claims that Dunlop pushed his bicycle into a line of police officers.

If it wasn't obvious at the time, it should now be clear that most protestors at the RNC weren't arrested for breaking the law; they were arrested for protesting. "Of the 1,670 cases that have run their full course, 91 percent ended with the charges dismissed or with a verdict of not guilty after trial."

In the bulk of the 400 cases that were dismissed based on videotapes, most involved arrests at three places - 16th Street near Union Square, 17th Street near Union Square and on Fulton Street - where police officers and civilians taped the gatherings, said Martin R. Stolar, the president of the New York City chapter of the National Lawyers Guild. Those tapes showed that the demonstrators had followed the instructions of senior officers to walk down those streets, only to have another official order their arrests.

Arresting protestors might have benefited the Republican Party, but the arrests came at an enormous cost to the public, to the individual arrestees, and to the First Amendment. The New York City police should be ashamed to have played this game.

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    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#1)
    by kdog on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 08:39:37 AM EST
    Can all these jailed innocents sue the city for unlawful inprisonment and/or being denied their civil liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#2)
    by roy on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 08:39:41 AM EST
    Any chance of those cops being charged with a crime? Aggravated kidnapping, and perjury sound about right.

    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#3)
    by Beck on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 08:46:17 AM EST
    If it wasn't obvious at the time, it should now be clear that most protestors at the RNC weren't arrested for breaking the law; they were arrested for protesting.
    As an American, the significance of this statement sends a chill down my spine.

    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#4)
    by kdog on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 08:51:27 AM EST
    Me too Beck. The sad thing is, no matter how many cops get caughts lying on the stand, most Americans have no problems with this. In their distorted minds, somehow the cop is always right and the guy/gal who was denied their freedom deserves it.

    The cop needs to be charged with perjury. Why this won't happen I don't know but it won't. In one case the prosecutors actually edited a tape and played it in court but someone had a more complete tape without the edit that exonerated the guy. They said it was just a "mistake." There is a class action suit pending on behalf of all those rounded up during the convention.

    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#6)
    by roy on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 08:56:11 AM EST
    At least it's nice to see the NYPD abusing a white guy for a change.

    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#7)
    by desertswine on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 08:57:32 AM EST
    Despicable but just standard operating procedure for them.

    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#8)
    by Marvyt on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 09:04:39 AM EST
    Prosecutors will not charge policemen with perjury because sometimes the prosecutors want the officers to perjure themselves.

    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#9)
    by aw on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 09:33:56 AM EST
    Where are all the wingers with their ready excuses? Cat got your keyboards?

    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#10)
    by roy on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 09:49:54 AM EST
    Where are all the wingers with their ready excuses? Cat got your keyboards?
    On behalf of the Right, I cough uncomfortably.

    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#11)
    by kdog on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 09:53:47 AM EST
    I remember our right leaning friends saying these people must have done something illegal, otherwise why would the cops arrest them? Troublemakers, anarchists, loonies they were called. They "deserved" it for "causing trouble". This was during the RNC. How's crow taste this time of year?

    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#12)
    by Patrick on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 10:03:51 AM EST
    At least it's nice to see the NYPD abusing a white guy for a change.
    Funny. Too bad it's true.

    read this old thread "Plus, from what I saw on TV (MSNBC mostly) the cops were remarkably relaxed in the face of a lot of profanity" -Cliff

    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#14)
    by libdevil on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 11:52:28 AM EST
    How's crow taste this time of year? When served with a side dish of a Bush administration, seasoned with Social Security privatization or new wingnut Supreme Court justices, and topped with a sauce of gay/Muslim/liberal/Hollywood bashing, I'm sure it goes down just fine. They don't care. They won. That's all that matters. No matter how dirty they had to fight, no matter how much of the Constitution they had to subvert, no matter how many laws they broke: they won.

    Re: Tapes Show RNC Protestors Were Falsely Arreste (none / 0) (#15)
    by kdog on Tue Apr 12, 2005 at 12:14:19 PM EST
    Sad but true libdev. What we witnessed during the RNC was the new "pre-emptive" doctrine on the home front. The pre-emptive chaining of those who disagree with the status quo, and peacefully voice said opposition. That road leads to dangerous, dark places.

    PBS's "Frontline" is airing a documentary of Karl Rove where they expose his 30 year plan to make the Republicans a permanent majority. Check your local listings for times. And remember... erections lasting longer than five hours... OOPS! Wrong ad.! Mibad.

    "Posted by kdog: "most Americans have no problems with this." People who waste their time with assumed generalizations about 280 million people and what they believe or think are bigots at least. Five years of stolen elections is why Bush and the Rs are in power. It is NOT due to a plebicite on their actions, which are roundly despised, no matter what the clowns on tv tell you. NYPD, get ready to lose your chief. Some more people destroyed by Bush. It's his favorite hobby.

    Give me a break already. Time for a Reality Check. These 'protestors' (rioters) were with the same group of people who broke into the RNC and disrupted a speach by Andrew Card. Same group of people that threw ball bearings under horses' hooves to try and get them to toss-a-cop. Same group of people that published information about how to tie down NYC subway security with 'fake bomb threats'. Same group of people who beat an undercover cop unconcious. So some of them got locked up, maybe undeservedly so. BFD. Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.

    I was beginning to think that sanity had returned to the world, and then I read Horse's post. I get tired of these apologist's for the fascists in our country, but I do