
Texecution Tonight: Innocent But in a Hurry to Die

Dennis Wayne Bagwell is scheduled to be executed tonight in Texas. He maintains his innocence. But he says he wants to die.

"My hope is: Hurry up and go through," Bagwell told the Associated Press Wednesday from a small visiting cage outside death row. "I've been waiting for this for over a year now." While maintaining his innocence and crediting his appeals attorneys for caring and trying to save him, "I'm just ready to get it over with," he said.

"If they offered me a life sentence, I wouldn't take it. I'm not walking through these hallways as an 80- or 90-year-old for something I didn't do."

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  • "...release me from the heartless stack, ain't nothing worse than this cursed ass hopelees life, troublesome..." tupac

    Re: Texecution Tonight: Innocent But in a Hurry t (none / 0) (#2)
    by wishful on Thu Feb 17, 2005 at 03:22:07 PM EST
    Oh. God.

    Re: Texecution Tonight: Innocent But in a Hurry t (none / 0) (#3)
    by Che's Lounge on Thu Feb 17, 2005 at 03:25:55 PM EST
    "With my last breath, I curse at thee."

    Its likely he didn't do the murder but the state will murder him, and if i was in a tx-ass, prison system I would want death yesterday. one more political murder in the land of freedom. oh lets all hear it for our land of justice and right and our land of laws? "only if you got the money"

    An innocent man begging to be punished? Something smells funny...

    Re: Texecution Tonight: Innocent But in a Hurry t (none / 0) (#6)
    by wishful on Thu Feb 17, 2005 at 05:20:03 PM EST
    Neocon, or: An innocent man begging for the punishment to stop. God please forgive us.

    wishful - Well, according to most religious texts all you have to do is ask. Of course, you have to be sincere. -C

    the taking of ANY life is wrong. all the armchair executioners must put themselves in his shoes... what if YOU were innocent on death row? read some Sister Mary Prejean.

    Re: Texecution Tonight: Innocent But in a Hurry t (none / 0) (#9)
    by wishful on Thu Feb 17, 2005 at 07:08:20 PM EST
    That, Cliff, was uncalled for.

    Re: Texecution Tonight: Innocent But in a Hurry t (none / 0) (#11)
    by Adept Havelock on Thu Feb 17, 2005 at 07:45:27 PM EST
    JerBear- Beautifully said.

    Of course, you have to be sincere. My sister always tells me that, but hasn't actually come up with a source yet.

    Well, if we release murderers because they claim they are innocent, there will be no one in jail. Read the story on CNN, he killed his mom and 3 others because "he asked his mother for money and she gave him only $20." and this is according to his girlfriend. He is white so I guess the lefties, who love criminals, cannot claim Texas is executing him because of racism. Don't forget he is convicted in front of 12 jurors beyond a reasonable doubt. This kind of scum should be dead and I am glad that he is.

    no name... This kind of scum should be dead and I am glad that he is. Unfortunately.... most on the left don't ever see anybody as bad or evil. We are all God's children & if you happen to kill a few people, we'll just slap your hand, tell you to not do that again & all will be good.

    Yeah, I want my fate decided by 12 jurors "beyond a reasonable doubt". Define reasonable. Their reasonable is undoubtedly different than my reasonable. Oh, wait......it was, they did, it was.

    "I guess the lefties, who love criminals, cannot claim Texas is executing him because of racism." Right wingers love death and torture and war and mayhem and killing and grief and pain and injustice and Satan. Need proof? "This kind of scum should be dead and I am glad that he is." Yes, I bet you are. Now go wipe the cum off of yourself.

    "Right wingers love death and torture and war and mayhem and killing and grief and pain and injustice and Satan." As long as those are the terrorist and murders who are getting death/grief and pain, I have no problem with it. Whether it is justice or not is in the eye of the beholder. And since I don't believe in God, I am quite sure Satan is also a figment of some overzealous priests' imagination.

    Re: Texecution Tonight: Innocent But in a Hurry t (none / 0) (#18)
    by Che's Lounge on Fri Feb 18, 2005 at 05:10:24 PM EST
    BB, .... most on the left don't ever see anybody as bad or evil. Would you mind answereing just three simple, yes or no questions? Real quick. Just yes, or no. Won't take but a few seconds. 1. Is that what you think motivates opponents of the death penalty? Y or N 2. Do you deny that men have been taken off of death row because they were proven innocent of the crime they were sent there for committing? 3. If the answer to #2 is no, are you in favor of continuing the death penalty process? Thanks in advance. Che