Hearing on Booker and FanFan Thursday
It's a busy day Thursday at the House Judiciary Committee. In addition to the Immigration subcommittee taking up the Real ID Act, the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security will hold an oversight hearing on "The Implications of the Booker/Fanfan Decisions for the Federal Sentencing Guidelines."
- What is the likely impact of the Booker decision to the federal criminal justice system?
- How will federal judges exercise their discretion to ensure consistency and fairness?
- Is legislation needed?
- How would such changes impact public safety?
- What role, if any, should the United States Sentencing Commission continue to play in promulgating “advisory” sentencing guidelines?
This could be dangerous. We do not need new legislation at this time. We need to see how judges exercise their new discretion before we take it away. Of course, the Justice Department would like to make every crime have a mandatory minimum. We have to stop that from happening. Here's tomorrow's witness list: