
Judge Rejects Ohio GOP Voter Challenge

The Ohio GOP lost a big one Wednesday with a federal judge rejecting its attempt to challenge the voting credentials of thousands of Ohio voters ahead of Election Day.

Judge Susan J. Dlott in Cincinnati issued an order preventing local election boards from going forward with plans to notify challenged voters and hold hearings until she hears legal arguments tomorrow. But because her ruling means that those election board hearings cannot take place within the time frame state law requires before the election, Dlott's ruling kills the GOP effort that had targeted 35,000 voters, Democratic and Republican party officials said.

Democrats charged the Republicans had no evidence of voter ineligiblity and that the suit was just an attempt to intimidate voters, particularly minorities. The Republicans aren't giving up, just changing their strategy. They still plan on installing 3,400 monitors at polling places, and will make their challenges Tuesday when they show up to vote.

What it means: There will be longer lines at the polls Tuesday for Ohioans in Democratic neighborhoods. Republicans will be sending out 5,000 monitors in Florida and 350 in Denver for similar purposes.

Don't forget to bring your videocamera when you go to vote so you can capture any improprieties or attempts at voter intimidation outside the entrances to polling precincts.

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