
Debate Analysis: How Did They Perform?

Update: Forget the pundits. You be the pundit. What did you think? I thought Kerry Ace'd it. I thought Bush was a mess. His final scripted closing showed just how off he was during the actual debate. Bottom line: Kerry soared, Bush flailed around.

Update: John King on Aaron Brown: Bush's campaign is admitting he lost tonight--he's not a good debater. One aide told him the best thing about the debate is being able to check the box that it's over. Of course, his aides also said debating skills are not as important as Bush's message.

Candy Crowley on Aaron Brown: Aaron asked, "Where between 1 and 10, with 1 being totally depressed and 10 being off-the-charts giddy, is Kerry's campaign tonight?" Answer: between 8 and 9.

Update: The split-screen is a big topic. Even the Fox pundits are saying Bush's demeanor was poor--one called him sour-looking. CNN pundits said the same. On CNN, they also praised Kerry's demeanor and said his supporters will be happy tonight and he was as Presidential-looking as Bush.

Markos of Daily Kos sums up, with thoughts similar to those I've expressed in various posts tonight:

Was it me, or was Bush on the defensive the entire debate? He could lip-smack, smirk, roll his eyes, blink like crazy, and look angry all he wanted, fact is, he has screwed things up and he was livid that he had to account for his mess.

In fact, if I got anything from the debate, it was that regardless of how Iraq looks, he wasn't going to do anything to shift tactics. He had set his course, and nothing was going to change his decision. Strange, given the backdrop of violence in Iraq. I suppose people have a clear choice. More of the same, or a fresh new approach to Iraq.

Also, notice how Kerry was even keel the entire debate? He was cool, calm and collected, no matter what Bush would say. Bush, on the other hand, was like a little chihuahua, talking over Lehrer to get his responses in.

Dave Cullen here.

Original post:

Media coverage during debate:

I'm watching C-Span with a split screen. I just received an e-mail that said:

Note that Bush gets MUCH more sole camera time on Fox (diluting Kerry's effect)

How do you think the networks are doing?

< CNN/USA Poll is Out | Bush Grew During Debate >
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