
RNC Protest Kicker Update

Bump and Update: I just received this answer to an email I sent late this afternoon to the person reputed to be the kicker of the protester. His response, in full:

Ms. Merritt,

I'm Sorry, but you must have the wrong person. (This is a little strange.) Please inform your sources. Thanks.


Original Post:

Do you recognize this young man?

Julian Sanchez at Hit and Run has more information and another picture allegedly of the young Republican who attended the RNC in New York and kicked a female protester while she was on the ground being held by three Secret Service agents.

Despite TalkLeft's offer on Sept. 6 to provide the kicker's alleged name and identifying details to ABC News, or any othermedia outlet or recognized reporter, no one has taken me up on it.

Atrios has posted the new photo (before it was cropped to exclude the alleged kicker). I believe that Julian, Atrios and I have been given the same name for the kicker, by different sources. My offer to the media stands. Email me, and I'll provide you with the email I received on September 6. And links to at least two articles he has written and one blog he has posted on using this name.

Update: Check the comments at Hit and Run. The kicker's alleged name is no longer a secret.

Bottom Line: Without any big media assistance, a handful of blogs were able to cross-verify information submitted to each by different readers and come up with the same person...including name, geographic location, college attended and summer internship. Does that mean the identification is correct? Not necessarily, but you compute the odds. [Update: See top of this post--this "same person" says we have the wrong person.] Escpecially after reading this response allegedly from the head of the Internship that goes so far as to crop the guy out of a summer internship photo after the photo was spread all over the web today.

To the Editor:
For the record, Mr. Robinson left NTU Foundation's internship program well before the GOP <