
Doctor Who Performed Abortions Has Change of Heart

In the "truth is sicker than fiction" department, Physician Tom Coburn, a former Congressman, is the Republican candidate for Senate in Oklahoma. Via Atrios,

A doctor who has performed abortions wants there to be the death penalty for those who perform them. He also sterilized a 20 year old woman without her consent, and then illegally billed Medicaid for the procedure. He said "That ["the gay"] agenda is the greatest threat to our freedom that we face today." He criticized NBC for showing "Schindler's List," saying that it promoted "irresponsible sexual behavior."

Don't think Coburn is only a danger to Oklahomans. Here's the sickest part:

Tom Coburn may be indispensable to the Republicans' effort to hold on to their majority in the U.S. Senate in November. "He is their best hope for keeping an Oklahoma seat Republican in the closely divided Senate," wrote conservative pundit Robert Novak.

What you can do. Give to Brad Carson, the leading Democratic challenger.

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