
The Kabul Dispatches

Say hello to Mullah Bob, aka New York criminal defense lawyer (and our good pal) Bob Fogelnest, who is blogging from Kabul, where he is spending two months,

.. mentoring and supervising a staff of six Afghan criminal defense lawyers and participating in training programs designed to help improve the quality of justice and bring the Rule of Law to this war torn country.

He has two entries up so far. The first is about the murder trial of Fareed, here's the opening snippet:

Fareed was charged with murder. According to the complaint he was one of three men who took Mohammet from his home in Kabul to the mountains and killed him. While the reasons were unclear, the killing was suspected to be part of a dispute between rival Mujahedin groups during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Fareed’s trial took place today in the Kabul District 1 Court. He could have been sentenced to death.

Bob's second post describes his surroundings:

I'm living in a compound sort of deal with armed guards, a restaurant, internet in the room, cable TV (CNN, BBC, Bollywood movies, and rerunds of the Nanny dubbed in German), a good shower,clean and perfectly comfortable. I've lived in worse places as a college student. They do my laundry every day and return it nicely folded, but wet, every evening. The hotel is filled with intersesting people, mostly world travelling NGO types and a spattering of international con men. People are very easy to talk to and I've made a few friends. As to a party town, I'm sure it's here but I've not personally come accross it. I guess that I am getting to be a grownup, or at least percieved as one by the local drug dealers.

If he has permalinks, we haven't found them, so you may have to scroll. He will post pictures as soon as his son Jake bin Bob tells him how to do it.

Update: Jake bin Bob was responsible for getting his dad to get Courtney Love out of jail in New York a few weeks ago. Here's a picture.

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