Innovative Drug Treatment Programs
We're on lunch break, in the lobby where we have a wireless connection for a few minutes. There was a very interesting presentation this morning by five prosecutors and a judge. All have begun programs to find prison alternatives for drug offenders--the most innovative is in Brooklyn, New York, called DTAP.
DTAP is the first prosecution-run program in the country to divert prison-bound felony offenders to residential drug treatment. The program targets drug-addicted defendants arrested for nonviolent felony offenses who have previously been convicted of one or more nonviolent felonies. Qualified defendants enter a felony guilty plea and receive a deferred sentence that allows them to participate in a residential therapeutic community (TC) drug treatment program for a period of 15 to 24 months. Those who successfully complete the program have their charges dismissed; those who fail are brought back to court by a special warrant enforcement team and sentenced to prison. To prevent relapse and reduce recidivism, the District Attorney's Office has formed a Business Advisory Council to identify and develop employment sources in Brooklyn. DTAP also has a job developer to assist graduates in finding and maintaining employment.
What strikes us as particularly notewortthy is that they take repeat offenders. They realize that drug treatment fails the first few times around for many. In New York, under the Rockefellar drug laws, a first offense for over 1/8 ounce is 15 to life. For a second offense of less than 1/8 of an ounce, it's still 41/2 to 9 years. And these are mandatory minimum sentences.