Easterbrook Fired from ESPN
Instapundit reports that Greg Easterbrook has been fired from ESPN for his distasteful comments about Jewish movie executives earlier this week.
Eric Alterman at Altercation says we should accept Easterbrook's apology. Jonathan Alter of Newsweek writes Romenesko to say he knows Easterbrook very well and he is not anti-semitic.
Atrios says he didn't want Easterbrook fired either. He says, "I just am pretty disturbed that he didn't confront the main issue - or that he even embraced it - and his defenders gave him a pass."
For those not familiar with Gregg Easterbrook until this (and that includes us) he is a senior editor of New Republic, a contributing editor of The Atlantic Monthly and a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, with a column at ESPN.
Here's the column that started the embroglio (which, by the way, wasn't published on ESPN). The column was a review of Quentin Tarrantino's new movie, Kill Bill. Here are the comments at issue:
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